OTEP..she's my idol... she kicks ass!!I LOVE~~Music, BMX, dirtbike riding and jetsking.. hang'n out at my lakehouse & Going to concerts, freestyle dirtbike shows and ... the best of all...MONSTER TRUCKS!!! and just enjoying life!!!!!
JuSt LoOk @ ThAt WoNdErFuL SMILE!!!awww... PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com /centerI MiSs My BeStFriEnD... GoD Damn It Why So SoOn!!!!
Sublime, Hed P.E., 311, Slightly Stoopid, Pepper, Kottonmouth Kings,Long Beach Dub AllStars, Red Hot Chilli Pappers, BoB Marley, and the whole Marley family.. Nonpoint, Rob Zombie, A Perfect Circle,flyleaf, Lacuna Coil, Buckcherry, The Crystal Method, Korn, Rage Against The Machine, Smashing Pumpinks, Soulfly, Sepultura, Ill NiNo, Slipknot Then we still got...36 carzyfists,(Older)Incubus, Mushroomhead, Manson, Mudvayne, Hellyeah, TOOL ,Rammstein, KsE, Chimaira, Limp, and oh course we gat da old skool.....FOGHAT, AC/DC, ZZ Top, (all the greatest classic rock) and on the side... JIMMY BUFFET!!and one of my MOST FAVS OTEP...
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300!!!!!!!!Live Free or Die Hard, Jackass, Out Cold, Waiting,Dazed and confussed, Gone in 60 seconds, Fear in Loathing in Las Vegas, Kill Bill 1&2... and many more! haha
Simpsons, Family Guy, Futerama, monster garage, (jesse james is soo hott)..MTV2,and my personal all time fav...That 70's show...
WoRk Of ArT!!!
Xena Warrior Princess(DATS ONE MEAN BITCH)