Date of birth: 1984, Outlaw of the thinking tought Police.
Since he was a little kid, Rickroka was attracted to music and lyrics.
His Compositions bring out the reality of this world on his lyrics and also on his beats.
Currently RickRoka is working in editing his Single called " Episodios Belicos - La caja de pandora" to be released at the beginning of 2007.
War is peace, ignorance is Strenght, slavery is liberty...1984
1997 - Metrykos Santiago
2001 - 2003: "Pactograma - dss crew"
2003 - 2004: "Rickroka - 1984" with collaborations from vmasta, eduas, mandrake.
2003 - 2006: "Panal Criminal"
2007 "Metrykos Santiago"