~Duck Hunter~ profile picture

~Duck Hunter~

I Would Just Because I Can

About Me

Hey everybody whats goin on? Well my name is Cory Williamson as if you already didn't know. But anywho my life is pretty boring, its nothing fantastic.I work at Wal-Mart. Its not the best place to work but at least its money. I really enjoy spending time with my girlfriend Alyson, shes and amazing girl and im glad i have her. One of my favorite things to do though would be GOLFING BABY!!! Its a fun sport to play. And I also enjoy hanging out with my best friend Josh Seago a.k.a C-Go. Well thats basically it. I told you it wasn't muchMe and my friend have started a hunting website, its called Church Boys Huntin'. So if you want to visit it, go to this website: churchboyshuntin.googlepages.com
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Sports MySpace Layouts - Golf MySpace Layouts Sports MySpace Layouts
You Are 80% Gentleman
You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices! Are You A Gentleman?ME AND SEAGO WHEN WE'RE GOLFING: funny videos - golf balls = pain - golf accident
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My Interests

I Love to Play some golf, and of course I have a great passion for none other than Jesus Christ Himself. He Is The One and Only God, I don't care what anybody else says.Jer. 29:11
What Anchorman Character are you? BETTER PICTURES THAN THE REST!!!

Champ Kind
You are Sportscaster Champ Kind. A wild Cowboy and at some points a bit too fond of Ron.
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What football postion fits you best?

Your always wanting the ball and when you get it WATCH OUT!! You will run someone over trying to get that touchdown.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
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The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Cory
Age?: 19
Sex?: Male
Birth Date?: 11-20-87
Hair Color?: Blonde
Eye Color?: Brown
Height?: 6'1
Weight?: 300
Body Type?: Fat but Muscular
Piercings?: My Ears
Tattoos?: My Arm
What are you wearing right now?: Gym Shorts and a T-shirt
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: Shaved
* Favorites *
Soda?: Pepsi
Food?: Meatloaf
Drinks?: Kool-Aid
Alcoholic drink?: Corona
Time of day?: Around 2 p.m.
Season?: FALL
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: Bartender
Band/artist?: T-Pain
Book?: None
Subject in school?: NONE
Place in the USA?: Colorado
Place outside the USA?: IDK
Color?: Blue
Style of clothes?: Jeans and Collared Shirt
Store?: Old Navy
Mall?: NONE
City?: Estes Park, CO
Website?: Myspace
Magazine?: Sports Illustrated
Kind of pet?: DOG
* Worst *
Place to be?: Outside when its hot
Class in school?: Math
Time of day?: When i wake up
Season?: Winter
Kind of pet?: Cat
Drink?: Tea
Food?: Peas
Mall?: ALL OF EM
Store?: ALOT
Style of clothes?: None at all
Celebrity?: Micheal Vick
Color?: Black
Book?: ALL
Type of music?: Bluegrass
Website?: I don't know
Magazine?: I don't know
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: 7:00 a.m.
What is your first thought?: What to wear?
What do you do first?: Pee
What is your usual outfit?: Khaki shorts and a t-shirt
What is your first class of the day?: Math on mondays and wednesdays and Physchology on tuesdays and thursdays
When does school end?: 12:30
Do you see your friends?: Some
What do you do when you get home?: Eat lunch
What time do you go to bed?: Midnite
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: Yes
Brush your hair daily?: No
Shower daily?: Yes
Sing?: Yes
Dance?: No
Party?: Yes
Get drunk?: Not anymore
Have sex?: Haven't in a while
Read books?: Sometimes
Listen to music a lot?: Yes
Read magazines?: No
Go online a lot?: Yes
Have a religion?: Yes
Have an iPod?: Yes
Want an iPod?: No
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No
Play an instrument?: No
Get sick a lot?: No
Watch TV?: Yes
Like MTV?: Yes
Like VH1?: Yes
Like the History Channel?: Sometimes
Have digital cable?: No
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: yes
Listen to the radio?: Yes
Still use your CD player?: Yes
Stalk people?: No
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: No
Have dial-up internet?: Yes
Have AOL?: No
Know HTML?: No
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: No
Do well in honors classes?: No
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: Yes
R & B?: Yes
Blues and/or Jazz?: No
Classical?: No
Pop?: Yes
Country?: Yes
Emo/Screamo?: No
Heavy Metal?: No
Christian?: Yes
Techno?: No
Reggae?: No
Broadway Musical Songs?: No
Oldies?: No
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: Blonde
Eye color?: Any
Tattoos?: Lower back
Piercings?: Ears and maybe tongue
Favorite Music?: Any
Style of clothing?: Nothin Trashy
Body type?: Not Skinny but not big, just thick
Personality or looks?: Both
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: No
Does size matter?: Depends
Do they have to be popular?: No
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: Guy ask the girl
Where do you go on the first date?: Movies and dinner
Kiss on the first date?: If the girl wants to
Sex on the first date?: NO
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: Maybe
Are you eating something?: No
Are you drinking something?: No
Are you IMing anyone?: No
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: No
What are you listening to?: Nothing
What are you watching on TV?: No
What other websites do you have open?: None
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes
The afterlife?: No
Aliens?: No
God?: Yes
The devil?: Yes
Heaven?: Yes
Hell?: Yes
Scientology?: No
Hinduism?: No
Buddhism?: No
Christianity?: Yes
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I'd like to meet:

I would like to Tiger Woods and hope he could teach me just a thing or two, haha
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

How Will You Die?

MY RESULT: Peacefully In Your Sleep

You’re smart, you're healthy and you don’t let anger or stress get the best of you. But even the best of us gotta go sometime.

Wanna die in a more adventurous way? We recommend taking up one (or all) of the following hobbies: glass eating, chemical mixing, hijacking, or poking grizzly bears with sticks and calling them “jerkface.”

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Game Provided By FunGameCodes.com
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Cory
Age: 19
Month of birth: November
Any Siblings?: Yes
Parents still married?: No
Occupation: NONE
Do you like your job?:
Any pets?: Yes
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 13
Any Tattoos?: Yes
Any Piercings?: Yes
Current mood: Tired
Current wardobe choice: Mesh shorts and a t-shirt
What are you listening to?: Nothing
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Seago
What do you currently smell like?: Old Spice Body Spray
Movie you watched: Wild Hogz
Magazine you looked at: Sports Illustrated
Thing you ate: Cheerios
Book you read: Harry Potter 7
T.v. show you watched: Scrubs
Time you cried: Can't Remember
Took a shower: This Morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): Last Week
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Last Week
CD you bought: Skillet
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: I woke up
Your most prized possession: My truck
Your first vehicle: Mazda 626
Your current vehicle: Chevy Silverado 2003
Your favorite quote: "Golf is the only game you yell fore, shoot a six, and write down five"
You bedtime (on average): Midnight
Your best trait/characteristic: Im a nice and funny guy
Your worst trait/characteristic: Jealousy
Do You....
Store things under your bed: Yes
Daydream: No
Have a computer at home: Yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: City
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: Home
Own a cell phone: Yes
Have a good luck charm: No
Collect anything: No
Attend high school or college: College
Make good grades: Depends
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: No
Had teeth pulled?: Yes
Broke the law intentionally: Yes
Ran away from home?: No
Broke a bone?: No
Cheated on a test/exam: Yes
Had a friend pass away: Yes
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: No
Been in an auto accident: Yes
Lied to someone: Yes
Been lied to: Yes
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Golf Course
Place to visit: Colorado
Place to chill: The Camper
Non-Alcoholic drink: Pepsi
Alcoholic drink: Corona
Type of food: BBQ
Meal/Food dish: Meatloaf
Dessert: Any Kind Of Cheesecake
Shampoo & Conditioner: Aussie
Toothpaste: Colgate?
Salad dressing: Thousand Island
Ice cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Fast food establishment: Bueno
Color: Blue
Season: Fall
Holiday: Christmas
Perfume/Cologne: Tommy
Video Game: NCAA or MADDEN
T.V. show: Scrubs
Smells: Coffee
Article of clothing: UNDIES
Book: Don't Have one
Children's Book: Cat in The Hat
Candy: Snickers
Car: Corvette
Do You Believe....
In Karma: Yes
In God: YES!!!!
In Heaven & Hell: YES!!!!
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): No
That ghosts exist: Yes
In horoscopes: No
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): Yes
In yourself: Yes
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Do IT
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: Its cool
On homosexuals in the military: If they want to defend let them, just put them in seperate bunks
The war in the Middle East: Not really
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Both haha
Current gas/fuel prices: Stupid
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what MLB legend are you? (pics)

Babe Ruth u r babe ruth, u r not very fast, but u can hit the ball like a monster!

MySpace QuizzesSoulja Boy -Crank That Soulja Boy
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I Love Christian Rock and Rap.

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Secret Talent?

MY RESULT: Excellent Shower Singer

You could be the next American Idol – if all the episodes were taped in a locker room.

Why? You’re a fantastic, Grammy Award-winning singer, but for some reason it only works when you’re taking a shower. Step out from behind the vinyl curtain and your singing skills fall somewhere between so-so and pretty great. If you can figure out a way to bring your act out of the shower, we’ll all be very impressed. In the meantime, keep on singing into the shower bottle – it sounds wonderful!

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Skillet Rebirthing Music Video

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P.I.M.P.'s Story by crunkcat
name: Cory
age: 19
gender: Male
race: White
height: 6'0
hair color: Blonde
eye color: Brown
city: Sperry
state: Oklahoma
food: BBQ
restraunt: Bueno
soda: Pepsi
enrgy drink: MONSTER
candy: Snickers
ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
website: Myspace
hangout: The Movies
shoes: Nike
store: Old Navy
actor: Jim Carey
actress: Jennifer Aniston
singer/rapper: T-Pain
song: Bartender
movie: Accepted
tv show: Scrubs
magazine: Sports Illustrated
best friend: Seago
birthday: November 20th
school: TCC
fav college: OU
what mood u usually n: Happy
live with: Parents
bf/gf: No
pets: 3 dogs
smoke: No
drink: Rarely
curse: Yes
fav thing to say: Dome Sack
whats ur click(like jock, goth, prep, snop, slut, etc.): Jock
future job: Youth Minister
do u have a crush: Yeah
is so who: Can't tell ya
gay or straight: STRAIGHT
fav class: None
what do u hate: Posers
what do u feel like doing: Playin Golf
what r u listin to: Nothing
can u dance: No
can u sing/rap: Yes
n e classes u hate: ALl of em
grade(like 8th, 9th, pre-k): Freshman in college
WHAT DO U LIKE IN A BOY/GIRL(if for boy put boy on first, and same for girl)
hair color: Blonde
eye color: ANy
hot or not: Beautiful
fav music: Anything
what do u want them to do on a date: Talk and Listen
anything else...????: They need to have a great sense of humor
ghetto: NO
gangsta to the core: NO
perverted: NO
snobby: NO
a *bling(P.I.M.P.)bling* homie: NO
dumb or smart: SMART
bling happy: NO
whaats ur religion: CHRISTIAN
if u were a celeb and some1 said somethin nasty bout u what would u do: SHRUG IT OFF
if u were walkin round and some1 dised u big time what would u do: SHRUG IT OFF
if u could live anywhere where would it be. if u had to choose b/w sprts car or luxury which would it be: COLORADE AND SPORTS CAR
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Pimp My ProfileThis is Bad: Travis Barker Remix Soulja Boy "Crank That"
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Accepted, Major League, Major League 2, Saw 1, 2, and 3. And many more
W Weird
I Inspirational
L Luscious
L Luxurious
I Innocent
A Amazing
M Mysterious
S Sophisticated
O Outrageous
N Neat
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

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SPORTSCENTER!!! And thats it!!!
How to make a Cory
3 parts pride
1 part brilliance
3 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add sadness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


The HOLY BIBLE of course.


Anybody that can face death and still profess their faith in Jesus Christ!!!