I am an enthusiastic raw foodist with a life threatening disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy that I have had since birth which causes my muscles to slowly weaken. This disease is most likely caused by generations of malnutrition. Most don't live to be more than 18 years old but I am now 26 years old and am doing fairly good. I believe this healthy lifestyle I have chosen for myself is important for others to know about and that this lifestyle can slow down, stop or possibly even reverse the progression of Muscular Dystrophy. This healthy lifestyle consists of pure eating, juice and or water fasting, daily exercise, and sunlight. Throughout the past ten years or so I have successfully kept myself on this healthy lifestyle of choice. This diet mostly consists of raw organic foods like vegetables, fruits, seaweed, raw meat, and sprouts. Periodically I'll have unpasteurized dairy, nuts, seeds, and other raw food items. With an assortment of great tasting ingredients to be used in salads and smoothies I am always satisfied. The salads and smoothies are always evolving so its never boring.
At the age of eight I started to have difficulty running and climbing stairs. It was scary to slowly lose my ability to walk and a struggle, but I was able walk up until I turned 14. I had a hard time accepting the notion of getting an electric wheelchair, but after test driving one I decided to get one. I then used a manual wheelchair for a few months while I waited for my electric wheelchair to be delivered. Getting the electric wheelchair was exciting and gave me a sense of independence and freedom to get out more and do as I please. Up until the age of 16 I was on an average American diet of mainly white flour, white sugar, cooked meat and other processed foods. I was very picky and would refuse to eat anything that didn't taste really good. I thought if I only have so many years to live I might as well enjoy as many good tasting foods as possible. My unhealthy eating habits were causing my health to decline drastically up until I met a well-known International Health Educator named Ray Kent in early 1997. Ray is a very knowledgeable and vibrantly healthy 70 year old man that taught me everything I needed to know about his formula for healthy living. Meeting Ray was a radical life altering event that changed my life for the better. After doing my first five-day water fast I felt refreshed and full of energy plus eating healthy tasted so much better than I could have ever imagined.
Half a year later my parents bought me a total trainer to help me exercise my legs. We set it on a low setting so it was at about a ten degree angle and attached a worn out bungee cord. I would then lay on my back with the toes of my feet gripping rubber handles like on a bike. At first I could only do 4 short pushes each way. Within two weeks I was up to 20 non stop and did at least 100 total. For the first half of a year I did it for 20 to 30 minute periods twice daily and I got up to 80 non stop with a minimum of 200. On top of working out on the total trainer I also got my dad to convert my old 10 speed bike into something I could use to peddle with my arms. Similar to the total trainer I started out at about 7 and within maybe half a year I was up to 100 non stop. After three years or so I was up to an unbelievable amount of repetitions on both the total trainer and the bike. I actually did 1200 non stop on the bike and 400 on the total trainer thanks to my perseverance and also motivational music because it gives us that extra push we need to workout as hard as possible.
Sunlight is also another essential part of my healthy lifestyle. Sunlight causes more oxygen-rich blood to reach your muscles which helps give your body the ability to build healthy muscle tissue. I believe this to be true because every time that I tanned before doing my exercises I would do so much better. It is also a very important part of detoxifying our bodies. Sunlight has got a bad wrap in recent years but I don't believe it and neither should you. I never use sunscreen. It keeps the body from producing Vitamin D, which lack of can cause skin cancer and I also believe that sunburn is mostly caused by the reaction that UV has with cooked oils in our skin.
Back in 1998 I was the webmaster for Rays website at raykent.com which was full of great very informative information. His website is now at ourplaceinternational.com, check it out. After many years of becoming familiar with designing websites I have now become the proud webmaster of Real Raw Food: Distributor of Organically Grown Truly Raw Foods in British Columbia, Canada. We(my family and I) are a family business located in a small village called Naramata near the south end of the Beautiful Okanagan Valley in the heart of British Columbia, Canada. We sell truly raw nuts, seeds, dried fruit, goji berries, agave nectar, honey, Cacao, coconut oil and many more raw foods at wholesale prices. To check us out click on my business card below.