My interest are anything having to do with singing and music, fashion, and pretty much things of that nature.
People that I love musically are India Arie, Mary-Mary, Beyonce, Kelly Clarksen, Ashley Simpson, Brandy, Ki-Ki Sheard, The Clark Sisters, just to name a few. India Arie - Ready For Love (Live)
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The best movie's I've seen I mean come on Guy's Armageddon for one second Sister Act Two.
I enjoy watching stuff like comdy I love anything that make's me laugh.
Beyonce - fighting temptaion
I really enjoy reading! In the last 6 months I have been reading. T.D JAKES hae really inspired me on levels that I have never entered before. REPOSITION YOURSELF, LIVIVG LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS and The Ten Commandments Of Working in a Hostile ENVIRONMENT! One thing that he has put on my mind is one way to mature in your handling of change is to remind yourself of the purposeand ro view the transition as a means to your next level. Another book that has helped me in my walk with christ is Every day I pray by Iyanla Vanzant. I really like this one becasue sometimes you go through things and changes of life and you don't realize that prayer is important for every day living. This book simply encourages a prayful life.
My Heroe is jesus Christ