"Disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus."
-Otep Shamaya; Caught Screaming.
I consider myself a horrible person.
Some people choose not to believe that, because i've allowed them to know the good, decent, have some shred of humanity part of me.
I think bad thoughts when alone. Crazy ones when i'm around a few people, and homicidal ones when in a crowd.
I'm quiet, and I like to be alone usually.
That usually makes me put under the list of anti-social, or something of the sort.
I've been called a bad influence all the way to a piece of scum.
Which is kinda funny, because I get some pleasure when i'm put down.
But i'm more of a sadist than a masochist.
I'm a lesbian. I like girls. I kiss girls. I date girls, and all the other good stuff inbetween.
I act like a complete idiot, but don't let that fool you into thinking I am.
I'm far from being so.
I don't ask for help, and rarely will I turn to someone for it.
If I cry on your shoulder, consider yourself lucky enough I trust you enough to do that.
I'm not the type of girl to show off every aspect of my body.
Just as well I don't show off every aspect of who I am.
I like to leave things to the imagination.
I don't find myself believing in love.
Sure I was shown it, and gave it back. But sometimes I don't get why I should want it.
I'm not what you consider a happy person. You ever see a smile on my face, it's most likely a facade.
There's no rule book to life saying you have to be and look happy all the time, or even at all.
I can be quite blunt about things.
I'm not easily embarrassed, but I am easily aggrivated.
I follow the religion of Apathiesm.
Putting it briefly, I don't question Gods existance, or any other religions beliefs.
I'm not afraid to get dirty when it comes to getting what I want.
Like I stated before I have some shred of humanity, but not that much.
I'd probably kill someone, and not even have a second thought about it.