GimiCkZ-BaRhOpPinG-CluBbInG-ConCerTS-HouSeParTy-KTV-ComEdY barS-acOusTicbarS-bEeRs-ShOpPiNg-mAlLinG-tRaVeLLiNg-ClOthEs- peRfUmE-sh OeS-FaShIoN-spIcYfOoDs-muSiC-sUrFinG d nEt-ChaTtInG-WatChIntV-CoMpuTeRgAmeS-SmOkEr-AcCeSorIeS-SlEeP inG
my destiny was so close didnt had the chance to touch it.. people with a great humor people with respect for other people!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
emo - insTrumentaL - PiaNo mooDs - accOusTic - aLTerNatIve - aLTeRnaTive rock
-vaN wiLdeR-aMeRicaN piE 1-3-sCaRy mOviE 1-3-nOt aNotHer tEEn mOviE-bRiNg it On- sOroRitY bOyS-tHe nEw gUy-hOt cHick-yOu gOt seRvEd-sAve tHe LaSt dAnCe-10 tHiNgs i Hate abOut yOu-cHarLie's aNgeLs- cRueL iNteNtions 1-3-wiLd tHiNgs-aMeRicaN beAuTy-hArRy pOtTeR-mAtRix tRiLogy-LOTR-x-meN 1 & 2-xXx-fAst N d fuRiOuS- 2fAst 2fUriOuS-toRqUe-fiNaL dEstiNatIoN1/2-tHe cRafT-i KnoW wHat u dId lAst sUmmeR-i stIll knOw wHat u dId...-uRbaN legEndS-tHe EyE-tHe RiNg-tHe gRuDge-adaM saNdLeR movie
my show hehe
tHe LittLe pRince, Blessing in disguise, It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken ... hahaha! Confessions of an Heiress, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Hiro Nakamur&Claire Bennet