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Check out our web site- www.dipnyc.com

About Me

DIP Invites you to join us for the launch of….. TACO TUESDAYS!! ALL YOU CAN EAT TACO PLATTERS& BUD LIGHT DRAFTS FOR $20!ALSO ENJOY $15 PITCHERS OF SANGRIA & MARGARITAS DIP 416 THIRD AVENUE-NEW YORK, NY 10016 P: 212-741-0646 F: 212-741-0620 E: [email protected] W: WWW.DIPNYC.COM CALL 212-741-0646 TO MAKE RESERVATIONS!!!

To visit our Website click the logo above!

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Dip Bar Lounge and Fondue is located in Murray Hill on 3rd Ave between 29th and 30th streets! We are open 7 days a week at 5 pm and we specialize in fondue! Have your next event with us. Please contact 212-481-1712. Stay tuned for upcoming specials!