Layout made by The Vertigo KingI'm Interesting and unique...Random facts:*I play the drums
*I'm a non conformist
*I'm a nut, even perhaps weird
*I like tatoos but don't have one.I will live to be the last one without one when I die...But there are days I have an impulsive urge to get one
*My favourite colour is red
*I make the best lasagna
*I like to sing karaoke on occasion
*Friends-I have made it a point in 2007 to spend a lot more time with my friends...This has resulted in having some great times and also meeting more people.
*I love music of all types
*I love wine-red and white
*I love passion
*I have integrity
*I am loyal
*I enjoy hanging out alone at drama involved
*I can never get enough Seinfeld, even though I've seen them all several times over...Curb Your Enthusiasm is brilliant
*I have enough material from my living and working arrangements in Nova Scotia to write a sitcom...Seriously, great material
*I am sarcastic...people take me the wrong way often
*I prefer Pepsi
*I own and wear a lot of hats
*I love unique jewellery...people have called me the accessory queen
*I am my worst enemy
*I am also my own worst critic
*I am a White Stripes junkie
*I am a music junkie for that matter
*I can drink way too much tequila
*I love to travel, but haven't travelled enough yet
*I give some people a hard time unintentionally
*I over think everything, but am often impulsive
*My toenails are always painted
*I'm not much of a materialistic person...Hell, I don't own a cell phone or have a car
*I love going to concerts, preferrably in small venues...Not much into the arena rock...Haha, finding bands before they hit it big is great for that.
You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!"
The Muppet Personality Test
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?