Introspectiv. Productions profile picture

Introspectiv. Productions

About Me

Introspectiv. Productions has been running since late 2006. It originally started when i was at College studying a media and radio course, this is where i found how to produce on programmes such as Reason & Cubase. I got hooked from the start and was constantly in the studio messying around getting to know the 'in's & outs' of it all. Then a couple of months later i got my own copy of the well known Reason 2.5 and from then i have been building my own sound and style with my production name 'Introspectiv.'Ive always been into the music scene, from going to places like Warehouse/Subdub/Kissdafunk & RiffRaff when i was around 17 and just wanting to make beats as good as the pro's. I produce a wide range on genres from House to Ambient so keep an eye out for new tracks i upload!MSN - [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 9/18/2006
Band Members: Paul Marshall
Influences: Way too many to mention!
Sounds Like: House
Record Label: DarkRoom
Type of Label: None