eXplore! â„¢ profile picture

eXplore! â„¢

eXplore! Central New York's 'Real Reality Show

About Me

Follow families as they eXplore! the lesser known, destinations of Central New York. We’ll visit museums, and historical sites, hike and boat in the Adirondacks, or perhaps one of the many festivals and events this area offers.eXplore! also gives you a front row seat as eXplore! TV Crews tour industries and behind the scenes.We want to encourage you to eXplore! by giving you a glimpse of where to go and what to do by watching eXplore! every week on Utica.TV .

My Interests

television and video production, film making, music, history, the arts, outdoors, and what's happening in Central New York.

I'd like to meet:

Familes or small groups of friends who want to be featured on eXplore! as they are sent on a surprise daytrip to explore central ny.


9:00 AM Saturday WPNY 10:00 AM Sunday WUTR 7:30 PM Sunday WPNY 11:00 PM Sunday WFXV