Excel, Macedonias premier techno label established in September 2006 by Aleksandar Vidinovski and Darko Spasovski. This label could not have been established at a more definitive time, given the domestic scene is flourishing with many highly driven and talented producers. The objective here is to collate and present the very best of local and global talent on this innovative new label. Excel is on the look out for impressive and fresh sounds that exude quality and we welcome all expressions of interest.
We will not listen to Myspace-Demos.
Please send your demo tracks at:
Excel Recordings
Trifun H Janev 7-7 / 6
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
FOR MP3: [email protected]
>>>Send links only at 320kps quality<<<
If we find interest in releasing you tracks on our label we will contact you as soon as we listen the demo material. Please do not resend the same tracks , we only reply to artist that according to us made good music ready to be released on Excel.
You can buy our releases at:
Slash & Doppe - Hornlie EP > OUT NOW on Beatport !!!
Sllash & Doppe - Hole In The Horn (Original Mix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Sllash & Doppe - Wurlie (Original Mix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Tango & Cash (Marko Nastic & Kobaya) - Whoked Get PPPPP - Excel Rec. 023 >>>> OUT NOW on Beatport !!!
Tango & Cash (Marko Nastic & Kobaya) - Get Hooked (Original Mix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Tango & Cash (Marko Nastic & Kobaya) - Get Hooked (Sound Diffusion Remix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Tango & Cash (Marko Nastic & Kobaya) - Get Hooked (Tanchevski Remix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Tango & Cash (Marko Nastic & Kobaya) - Get Hooked ( DJ Monumental & Leba Zel Maar Teen Remix) by EXCELRECORDINGS
Sound Diffusion
The Macedonia duo Sound Diffusion (Alekandar Vidinovski & Darko Spasovski), was formedin 2003 and they started actively to developed their style of music. The similartastes of music, interests and objectives, was the key figure and stimulus for them tostart their production. The period from 2003 till 2005 was the time when they activelygot into the studio and came out with their first release on the UK - based AdvancedRecords.This four - tracker EP was called ''Impulse'' thus was officially launched for sale inMarch 2006. That was an excellent opportunity for Sound Diffusion to present theirmusic on international level, and the impact of their hard work was the positivefeedback that they received from various famous dj’s and artists.Late in 2006, Sound Diffusion launched their label called Excel Recordings. The ideaof staring this label was not only presenting the music they produce, but the music ofother Macedonian dj's and artists who created amazing tunes. During the 1st couple ofmonths Excel Recordings came up with the superb production created by Saso Recyd, DJMonumental and Aleksandar Tanchevski."Reviser" is the track that made Sound Diffusion recognizable by their style. For thistrack they received very positive critics from various Dj’s. Also the EP called ‘’KeelOver’’ was very successful on the market and the both track were played by very famousinternational Dj’s that are extremely influential on the techno scene.Macedonian techno fans are going to remember this duo with their amazing performanceon the Coca – Cola Sound wave festival, whereby they performed live for the firsttime.Beside the production, they both perform as dj’s as well. Aleksandar has been activeas dj since 1997 which made him the youngest techno dj in Macedonia at that time. Hehad a resident night at the club Metropol. Darko started to perform as Dj a lil bitlater. Currently he holds the position of the main producer of the largest audio–video production studio in Macedonia ‘’Award Entertainment’’.In 2007, together with other dj’s and producers from Skopje, they formed ‘’PolluxMultimedia’’ with is the driving force in the Macedonian clubbing. Pollux isconstantly releasing (not for sale) DVD’s with mixes, live acts and designs made bythe members of Pollux Multimedia. Pollux Multimedia updates the official clubbingportal of Macedonia (www.skopjeclubbing.com.mk) and also they manage the venue called"The Club"
Saso Recyd
With traces of melancholy and mystique, the modern and peculiar sound of Saso Recydhas been captivating the attention of the pickiest of techno consumers in the pastdecade.
Saso Recyd belongs to the first generation of electronic music producers in Macedonia.In the 90’, under the project name of Xavier Acid the first ever techno album inMacedonia ‘I po Tito Techno’ was released, which was followed by the release of twomore albums of exceptional quality and innovation, ‘Estravaganza’ and ‘Porno’.
Simultaneously, Saso has been working hard on developing his own distinguishable soundas a separate project which is, to this date, coming along with phenomenal success.Saso’s talent goes far beyond producing and stretches into DJ-ing, as well. Hisdynamic, urban and special- vibe- creating sound bridges generation gaps whereas hiscompelling, mind- blowing and highly imaginative, yet beautifully simple mixingcontinually raises the bar and makes you want more.The invigorating freshness and the mighty sophistication his sound bears make SasoRecyd one of the few genuine entertainers who stir up the dance floor with relativeease. As a natural perfectionist and a dedicated hard worker, Saso keeps on producingmesmerizing music which will soon be revealed to the audience worldwide
Aleksandar Tanchevski
Aleksandar Tanchevski was first exposed to electronic music in the late ‘90's throughhis work on radio show delicious, playing the latest tunes and mixes from around theglobe across the Macedonian airwaves. 1998 saw Aleksandar turn his passion forelectronica into a reality by investing in records of his own. Relocating from theairwaves into the club scene was quite a natural progression, spinning his sound firstthroughout the capital, then eventually around the nation. He has had the pleasure ofperforming along side respected artists such as Misstress Barbara, Phillipe, MarkWilliams, Marko Nastic,Terry Mitchell and many others. Now with a wealth of experiencebehind him, it can only be expected that his own productions will be all class.
Dj Monumental
Stojche Cvetanovski aka DJ Monumental was born on 1984 in Skopje. He belongs to ageneration of younger techno DJs and producers in Macedonia. From the earliest age heshowed great interest in electronic music. He was listening to and following thedevelopment of the music of his favorite bands like: Depeche Mode, UndergroundResistance, Crystal Method etc., which gave him a motivation to start working on hisown sound.Also inspired by the work of Detroit Classic artists and DJs (Derrick May, JuanAtkins, Jeff Mills), he decided to start producing music and DJ-ing. Monumental’s djsets present a fusion of different electronic music perspectives; from tribal, funky,minimal to deep hypnotic techno. He uses 3 decks when djing and his sets are groovyand energetic. His production features the styles mentioned above, and Monumental'smusic is available on the market. He has released two tracks on Excel Recordingsalready, and working on a couple of other projects with Sound Diffusion.
Latenta Project
Latenta Project is: Inox, Iceberg and Dido, a true music lovers.
After a couple of years DJ-ing, they decide to give music production a chance. Weird, but their first tune got signed immidiately, and much more are on its way. Originally featured on Ricky Ryan's second Feedback compilation, the trio's "Good Morning" track went on to become one of the collection's fastest growing tunes - earning the attention of tech and progressive house fans. Already supported by: Hernan Cattaneo, Desyn Masiello, Ricky Ryan, Luke Fair, 16 Bit Lolitas, Kosmas Epsilon, Eelke Kleijn and signed to labels such as: Proton Radio, Sick Watona, Add2Basket Records, Outside The Box Records, Dot Dot Records, Pitch Music etc. Latenta Project is one of the upcoming talents you gotta keep your eyes on..Recently they started broadcasting their own 2 hour monthly radio show on Proton Radio, called 'Wavesurfing' which is a true journey from the finest downtempo and easy-listening stuff to the smothest, deepest & grooviest dancefloor music..The name came up from their attitude - having no interest for nothing but music. Latent can mean "hidden", "presently inactive" or "potentially existing but not yet
S.Elesi aka Food
more info soon ...
Vanina Buniak
Vanina Buniak was born in Rosario, Argentina. Servant under musical familiar influences, on her
childhood She learned piano, choir and diverse dances. She began to be interested in electronic music, with
her first contacts with Clubs within 11 years old. From this then, she was crossing different musical genres,
but always inclining for the electronic sounds.
Artists like Sasha, Hernan Cattaneo, between others, woke up her feelings and many desires to form
her passion for the music. Her first show was in August 2005, in the bar "Kasa Enkantada", having great
acceptance of the public.Vanina is characterized for mixing a great variety of styles, generating an
environment of many motivation and dance for those who listen to her.2006 began it with many projects, she knew Martin Rouille and Maxi Doble C, and
joined the agency Megamind, she is as well as it she began to play with important
djs of the electronic scene in Rosario. She played in Jah! Bar of the capital
city from Buenos Aires, it is there where one manager gave her the possibility to
be in the staff of g3booking.From this moment, she began to approach more the circuit of the electronic music
of the capital city, and played in other places as Great Clubs, and then in an
important festival worldwide called "Earthdance", where she shared booth with
some of the most representative deejays of the sound situation.Later she joined to be resident like dj to the staff of ADN ALTERNATIVE
RADIO and to the staff of DLA radio. In both radios she does programs where
the principal concept, it is to present every week a set with a different style, and
also combine several styles in the same set. Now, she has a radio show called “Electroshockâ€
in a Turkish radio “Deepsounds†and a show called “Techno Surfer†in Techno.fm.Along of her career, Vanina shared booth with such artists like: Chris Fortier
(USA), Digitalmod, Moksha, Vilela (Brazil), Valery, Wild-Lion, Guts, Nico B, Tarkan,
Hans Tavera, Fernando Picon (Uruguay), Hollogram (Mexico), between others.In 2007 she played in important clubs of another countries, like Mexico and Brasil. In cities like
D.F, Guadalajara ( La Santa, Shaga ), Veracruz, Cuernavaca ( Continental ), Tulum, San Luis PotosÃ, Cascavel ( Bielle ),
Guarapuava, Itaipava, Indaiatuba ( Zoff Club )...This year she obtains a residence in the club "Home" ( Lima, Perú ), and played with djs like Jollan ( Brasil ), Philip Carreires ( Brasil ), Greg Vickers ( UK ), Adam Freeland ( UK ), Josef Sedlon ( Praga ), Ricky Stone ( UK ), Randall Jones ( USA ), Carlos Alfonsin, between others.Today in day she continues being perfected, making tracks and buying your proper vinyls, to be able to manage to have the level of professionalism that she wish. Her desire is not only to transmit melodic sounds, but also to fuse them in a message of peace and spirituality creating a musical "trip".Booking: www.overup.com.brMyspace: www.myspace.com/vaninabuniakRadios shows: www.2am.clwww.radiodeepsounds.com