iM'A kEEP iT chiLLiN profile picture

iM'A kEEP iT chiLLiN


About Me

Just an educated brother trying to live in the way that i'm suppose too.... In this air force opportunity.... trying to do what i got to do and stay humble with it....

My Interests

Just LIviNG My LiFe.... ANd Try NOt to Get MerkEd BefoRe my tiME coMEs.

I'd like to meet:

PEople that are trying to get somewhere in life.... ANd is ReaL....


ALL MusIC Is My ViBe...


AnY MoviE i can TuNE INTo... iT's EntertaiNmeNT...


WHaTEverS On At The tiME...


Every BoOk.. i Need To read MOre