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About Me

BOB : Lunatic songs, taxidermal music. A universe of pop, at once hard, alien and poetic, ''Unstable Friends'' was built on the successive contributions of each member of the trio. An exquisite corpse in the open air, the music of BOB is built from digital songs reconciled, like so many laboratory monsters. Dark beasts that Mary Shelley would not have despised.BOB : Chansons lunatiques, musique taxidermiste. Univers musical pop à la fois hard, étrange et poétique, "Unstable Friends" s'est construit au fil des additions de chacun des membres du trio. Cadavres exquis à ciel ouvert, la musique de BOB est constituée de chansons numérique raccomodées comme autant de monstres créés en laboratoire. Sombres bêtes que Mary Shelley n'aurait pas dédaigné.

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Member Since: 17/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Eric Bernier : Voice, Computer, machines Michel F. Coté: Computer, machines,rare back vocals Guy Trifiro: Computer, machinesGuests: Jean Derome: Sax Baryton, Flutes Bernard Falaise: Electric Guitar Normand Guilbeault : Bass Alexandre St-Onge: Bass, Electronics
Influences: Flying Lizards , Morrissey , Bjork , Radiohead ,
Sounds Like: Depeche Mode , Björk ,
Record Label: & Records
Type of Label: Indie

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