Ash profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Where should I start? I love life and value friendship. I am so blessed that I am married to my best wife Desiree. She truly is amazing and I am blessed that she is in my life. Exercise and wellness is a passion(other than Desiree) I have. I love exercise so much that I decided to go to school to learn about its wonderful effects on the human body. I love helping people improve their quality of life through exericse and health education.I guess you could consider me a nerd as I love reading exercise physiology journals and books. I try to keep my brain stimulated and continue to learn so that I can help the people I work with on a daily basis. I am strong willed, not afraid to give you my opinion if asked, determined, honest, and can be confrontational if a situation presents itself. I like to laugh and will go out of my way to hear something funny. I have been known to say outlandish things to get people to laugh. These are the things that people might think about but would never say out loud. If you doubt me then ask my wife or my buddy Tre. If you can't laugh at yourself and life's curve balls then it might be a boring journey. I guess I decided to join myspace because everyone else is here and to catch up with old friends.Another big interest of mine is professional wrestling. I have been involved with the independent professional wrestling scene off and on since 1997. I do it for fun and because I have a respect for the business.I live in Lumberton, NC with my wonderful wife Desiree who is a dentist in Lumberton. She is my best friend and is so supportive in everything I do. I can't ask for a better life because I am so blessed.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ric Flair (check), Shawn Michaels, Roy Williams (UNC Basketball Coach)

My Blog

10 Ways To Know You Are Not In a Hospital Based Fitness Center

A hospital or corporate based fitness center you say?  Let me first clarify that I am not saying that these types of fitness centers are perfect.  However, they generally have higher standar...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:14:00 GMT

What Everyone Who Is Joining A Gym Needs To Know!

The year 2008 is here and several people will make the infamous New Year's Resolution.  Many of the resolutions made this January include getting rid of excess weight (excess body fat&..lets call...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 15:52:00 GMT