Hello out there! I am Leo Thomas Grey the III. I am only three years old, but Myspace has this policy that you have to be older to .., so of course I thought 20 sounded like a very good year!My name is a rather long story- my owner thought I looked a bit like a spotted Leopard, so there is 'Leo'. 'Thomas' stuck as I am of the male persuasion. 'Grey' of course in celebration of my coloring and the 'III' as my current owner is my third owner. I am rather picky and choosy and it took three tries until I found a human I could control and bend and twist to my ways. Bwahahahaha!!!!I enjoy 22 hours naps, chasing my tail and running off with some of my outdoor friends, making my owner quite frantic.And of course lets not forget food- at least seven meals a day to keep up my strength and my ever growing tummy. I still think I look quite handsome even with my tummy!I love to explore and NOTHING is off limits to me.Now for some of my famous quotes and thoughts:A Stitch in Time, Saves a Litter of Nine! Spay & Neuter your pets!! It's the BEST Love you can show!Cats Rule, Dogs Drool!Adopt a shelter pet! Don't support pet shops who usually buy from 'puppy & kitten mills and forced breeding facilities'.
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