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William Thompson

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------------------------------------------------------- William Tompson
What prompts a modern-day Christian to create a visual rendering of the Biblical book of Revelation?
This text provides noteworthy information about William Thomas Thompson, who created this expansive series of paintings (covering 150 ft.) on the theme of Revelation between September and December 1999, which you can now view in the foyer of the EXPLO Building in Lausanne.
With this work, Mr. Thompson has created a second version of a six-part, myriad-figured, narrative work on display in the United States that requires double the exhibition space (300 ft.). Since its completion in 1995, the "first" Revelation cycle has been exhibited in art museums in Atlanta, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Seattle and St. Louis, where it has met with enormous public success. Countless numbers of people have stood, sat or lain for hours in front of the pictures and simply looked with amazement and understood many out things which had never before been a part of their thoughts. We know this because of the written comments they have left behind.
William Thomas Thompson painted this smaller version of "Revelation Revealed" especially for Europe, where it is on exhibit for the first time here in Lausanne at EXPLO 2000.
We know Revelation as the last book in the Biblical canon. This book, named "Apocalypse" in Greek, is based on the pictorial vision - terrifying in places, but also filled with hope - which the apostle and evangelist John received in his old age on the island of Patmos at the end of the first century A.D. The beginning of the revelation moved him so deeply "as though dead" (Rev. 1), but was understandably unable to put what he saw into words. He required heavenly assistance, which he received. An angel, as narrator and mediator, gave him a scroll (a "book" in some translations) to eat. Although it tasted sweet, it caused him intense stomach pains (Rev. 10) John was not embarrassed about mentioning this incident in his text, and we would do well to recognize its deep spiritual meaning.
The 64-year old William Thomas Thompson, who has painted a contemporary version of the Biblical Revelation within its textual and temporal context, also gives a valuable witness arising from the creative phase of this monumental work.
Until he reached the age of 53, Thompson had little interest in the Fine Arts. All the more surprising is the promptness of his response to a vision he received during a worship service in Hawaii in July 1998. In this vision, Jesus Christ proclaimed the imminence of His Second Coming and the ind of the present world. The very next day, Mr. Thompson bought canvas, brushes and acrylic paints, knowing that he had been called to paint the clear and precise vision he had received.
This step of obedience is even more astonishing in light of the fact that William Thomas Thompson is, from a practical viewpoint, incapable of carrying out this task - not due to a lack of talent (it is evident that he is a natural genius of so called "naive" painting) - but because he has suffered from a rare nerve disease since 1987. This condition has affected his entire motor system, causing uncontrollable shaking in his shoulders, arms and legs. He suffers to this day and must use crutches for support - yet in spite of this, he proceeds unabatedly with his painting.
Another astonishing fact: this previous businessman, who handled millions in sales volume, lost all of his wealth one year after the onset of his illness. Yet instead of reacting with accusations towards God, he sees God's grace in this turn of fortune. Without this loss, he says, he probably would never have begun to paint. Painting has become his language, and his literally breathtaking capacity for visual expressiveness was present in the very first brushstroke. William Thomas Thompson, who had nothing to do with art for the first five decades of his life, now realizes that through the medium of painting, people the world over can be reached with the hope, beauty and clarity of God's message: directly from the eye to the heart!!
Approximately half of the works in his oeuvre, which encompasses over 1000 paintings, deal with Biblical themes. Other topics critically address social problems and inequities which Thompson recognizes in Western society. The "unmodern" i.e. unpopular and seldom used concept of mercy is tangible in his paintings - and viewers respond with understanding. Many are moved, even to tears.
"My work is not yet completed, but the voice which I hear and obey will become perceptible for all people!!" (William Thomas Thompson)
-Dr. U. Schillmeier