MsSlimLilmomma profile picture


YES!!! MsSlimLilmomma is "MISS INDEPENDENT" and 2day is my Birthday and I would love 4 my friends 2

About Me


love_is_a_miracle myspace layouts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colors Contact Tables provided by ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Click here to get Falling Objects ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?****************** RoxAnn Juanita ..aka.. MsSlimLilmomma
"If you want to know about us..just click on the picture". ***********************************
I stand 5'4" tall,& weight in at a pleasantly-petite 121 lbs... DON'T LET THE WEIGHT & HEIGHT FOOL YOU...I AM ALL WOMAN, have brown eyes & my hair is occassionally 1 of 3 colors: dk.brown,fiery aurburn,or dk.blonde. God has blessed me by allowing me not 2 look my age. Most people don't believe me they guess my age 2 B between 30-35. I think the ones that say that I look younger just say that to make me feel good...hehe
I am woman of color with my mother's Puerto-Rican blood flowing through my body & soul. I am originally from NY now residing in Florida. I don't speak fluent Spanish...but enough 2 get by.
I am a sensitive woman,and 4 that reason, I..m very considerate 2 other people's feelings. I believe that U should treat others the same way U want 2 B treated. I am a mother of 3 children(well, they R not exactly children anymore: 25, 26 & 30yrs. old)& also a grandmother of 9 loving children.
I work as an DHSMV Drivers Examiner of FL and I am starting my own personal business allowing me to do the arts I have done most of my Advertising & Illustration, Calligraphy, painting, drawing and making greeting cards,(that means not for free anymore). I am trying to get my website 2gether which will B at called" "Precious Thoughts by RoxAnn J." I have laid out several of my personally made cards here on my page...hey if you got the time take a look
By the way I also am MaryKay Indep. Beauty Consultant...going for the beautiful "Pink Cadillac", and the great part about it is..that I would love to get a chance to teach you about the importance of taking care of your skin..NO MATTER HOW OLD OR YOUNG YOU ARE!!! So go to my website
Hey one more thing...three colors, THAT I LOVE WITH A PASSION are..... TEAL,AQUA & TURQOUISE. Now that's suppose to be a secret so don't tell anyone okay?

Get Your Sexy Name


My Interests

I love cooking & baking. I am also a fan of: writing/reading,painting, calligraphy,photography,intimate walks along the beach,and thru the parks overlooking beautiful sunsets,drawing and taping music & movies and dancing. I basically just like having fun and enjoying life!

I like meeting people and I love learning new and exciting things.Another of my interests is teaching "Skin Care" with my Marykay Products 2 women of all ages. I show them how to take care of their skin, treat it with all the vitamins & wonderful caring a face & body need. We must preserve our looks & skin 4 as long as we can. When U meet someone the 1st thing U C is the face...KEEP IT BEATUIFUL.

Also visit my other sites: And visit my "Precious Thoughts by RoxAnnJ".(greeting card) site
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

What I am looking for

A man who is willing to be his self with me and enjoy most,(NOT EXACTLY EVERYTHING) of the things that I enjoy. A man who is sensitive to ones needs,who is caring, sincere, honest, loving, considerate and FAITHFUL... meaning a monogamous relationship. THAT MEANS THAT YOU DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, WIFE OR HAVING A INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR CHILDRENS MOTHER. The race or color of one's skin is not important...just as long as they have the love and affection that a caring person can have to offer. I am not looking for a "HOMEBODY"(someone who never wants to go anywhere. Actually, I can stay home by myself...hehe!!

I would like to find someone who likes going to the movies, some dining out, enjoys intimate romantic talks & walks to the beach or thru the park....looking at the sunset and beautiful blues skies at dawn. A man who has a sense of humor, a decent education and willing to compromise at times and not too serious all the time.

At this time in my life I am finish having children, but still "that" man must love children. I have 9 loving grandchildren that anyone would absolutely fall in love with. And they like, want and need that tender-loving care.

I am the type of woman who wants to hear the truth...meaning don't tell me what you think I want to hear, but just tell me the "TRUTH". Dishonesty is a "BIG MISTAKE". Lying just gets someone's feelings hurt, and I don't want to be the ONE!!!. I am a BIG GIRL and I can handle the truth.

And a final thought: I know there has to be a person out there who is looking for a relationship like this. But if not least I can say "Thanks for reading my Page"!!!But if you feel that you fit the description of this loving man, then I think YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!
*****[email protected]*****

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FELLAS--- here's a word from the wise...You can prevent most of the drama you get from women, if you just keep it real with us. Most men cause a lot of their problems with women by lying, keeping secrets and telling us what we want to hear, instead of what we need to hear. If you put it on the table truthfully, a woman will accept what she wants to accept and walk away from what she doesn't. Remember your only prolonging the inevitable.."what one does in the dark always comes to light sooner or later."

To the LADIES.... some of us need a tall glass of "wake the hell up!" If you see signs that a man is doin' dirt, chances are he is. That feelin in the pit of your stomach ain't rumblin because you haven't had anything to eat all day. Stop trying to save the ones that are already lost. It's too late for them. Focus on YOURSELF and the RIGHT one will come when you least expect it. Respect yourself above all else, & never let a man take you to a dark place and take you somewhere you never wanted to be, outside of yourself. Romance still exists...don't give up. IT WILL COME!!!!!

****THERE IS A LITTLE SECRET THAT I HAVE:****WELL TO BE HONEST I HAVE ALWAYS HAD A PASSION & A YEARNING TO DO MODELING 4 COMMERCIALS & CLOTHING...okay that is one. AND THE OTHER IS "ACTING" FOR T.V. AND THE MOVIES...and "YES" I said acting!! I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TOLD THAT I SHOULD DO MODELING AND I should become an ACTRESS. Now I don't know what is the age limit on becoming an MODEL OR ACTRESS, or if there should even be one. But whether it is in fashion, plays, commercials, t.v shows...but whatever it may be...I want to do it...and trust me "I will succeed at it". I have acted in plays, been in some muscials, besides that I have danced on television & on arena stages in NY. I have actually written plays & short stories that I have always felt that I should be the one who plays that part of my certain characters because I understood them and could play them best. I don't want to sound conceited...but if you are the one who CREATED the character..then you know best how the role was meant to be you feel still have this yearning and I am hoping one day that I will be able to show just how good I am at some other things that I love the most. This has stung my heart so strong it hurts...but in a good way. So friends...look out for your ole girl here...Written from the deep depth of my heart RoxAnn Juanita


I love any kind of music except the music that wants or leads you to do crazy things like...breaking up guitars, starting get the message... right?




Yeap this is what they say about me...gosh didn't know it was so
You Are A Romantic Realist
You tend to be grounded when it comes to romance.
Sure, you can fall hard... but only for someone you've gotten to know.
And once you're in love, you can be a total romantic goofball...
But you'd never admit it to your friends! Are You Romantic or Realistic?***********************************************
First let me say that I am not a "SEX ADDICT" as this says...actually I'm a fun loving & passionate LOVER. Hey, I am not one to argue that "LOVEMAKING" isn't one of the most sensual & ultimate highs that can be GIVEN and RECEIVED. But you don't have to be an addict to enjoy the hell out of it.. I truly love all things that put a smile on my Face and Love in my Heart..And the statement about "you" might end up crying is only feel bad about hurting me or my feelings... And please disregard that "F" word. That was not my choice of words..lets' use the word "MESS". NOW ALL THE REST OF THAT PARAGRAPH IS TRUE...but only that Special one with find that out...hehe!!RoxAnn Juanita
Your Birthdate: October 3
You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.
Your strength: Your larger than life imagination
Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered
Your power color: Lime
Your power symbol: Lightening bolt
Your power month: March What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


Wow!!! I love reading books. Doing so gives U the chance 2 use your wonderful imagination. I read romance novels, fiction, action, biography and many more...


I must first Thank the Lord Almighty for letting me wake up this morning! Then thanking him for giving me GOOD HEALTH,STRENGTH,THE ABLILITY TO SEE,HEAR,SMELL & TOUCH.Even though I have experienced unhappiness, pain & hurt during some times in my life...The Lord have given me the ability to still believe in & to be able to LOVE!!!.Then there is "My MOTHER". She taught me how the importance of being independent really is. Knowing how to take care of yourself is priceless. To be attentive to others needs and showing others how good a friend you are willing to be. "THANK YOU MOMMY"...I LOVE YOU !!!! Rules!

My Blog


Hey, I just took a "Flirting test" and this is what my score was.  but first, you are asked who would you wanted to flirt with...and 2 tell the truth... he knows who he is :   And here is my...
Posted by MsSlimLilmomma on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:25:00 PST

Your Kissing Report

 Your Kissing Report               (This report is for entertainment purposes only.) THIS IS MY REPORT....hehehYour score:  15...
Posted by MsSlimLilmomma on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:54:00 PST

Do you have a A personallity type?

This is my personality: You Have A Type A- Personality You are one of the most balanced people aroundMotivated and focused, you are good at getting what you wantYou rule at success, but success d...
Posted by MsSlimLilmomma on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:48:00 PST