I'm Marlena. I collect beer coasters. I'm awkward, I'm cute, I can't really spell. I read a lot. I am really shy when I first meet people. I'm klutzy. I love Taco Bell. I drink a lot of S/F Red Bull and Red Bull Cola. I'm always broke. I have a tattoo. I want another. I like beer and men. I like movies people haven't heard of often. I read books that aren't on Oprah's favs. I want to live anywhere. I want to go back to Europe. I want to get married. I don't love myself. I wish I was prettier. I hate when people hit on me or call me a slut, skank, whore, easy, etc; because I'm really not. I've made a lot of bad decisions that I think I'm finally over. I'm ready to settle down but I can't accept people loving me. I work all the time and even though I hate my job, I love it at the same time. I'm going to UNF, and I'm going to transfer to FSU to get my degree in Eastern European Studies and not just because Eastern European men love me. Basically, I'm nothing special.
"And therefore is Love said to be a child,
Because in choice he is so oft beguiled.
As waggish boys in game themselves forswear,
So the boy Love is perjured everywhere."
-A Midsummer Night's Dream
: marlenarowland
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