Fine-Fifteen started waaaay back in 2004, when Lacie and Catherine decided to put a few songs together just for fun... Catherine liked the way Lacie stood straight and tall as she alternately ripped out killer chords on her guitar and picked delicately at the strings, and Lacie liked how Catherine made that old red accordion her own. They both liked the way their voices sounded together, and they loved wearing their vintage dresses and fancy 'dos. So they worked on a few more songs, and a few more, and even wrote a couple too. Things were looking fine, just fine.
In 2005 they went deep into the burrow of unconsciousness -- a vision quest, a search for truth -- and emerged in 2006 with the obvious staring them plain in the face: a two-piece was so last year. They needed a rhythm section -- a drummer and a bass player, but not just any drummer and bass player. So they searched far and wide, and at long last found Reid and Pierre, two musicians both extra fine in skills and stature.
Now they all love each other very much, and they play their faux-sixties girl-garage-band ballads with ambi-sexual aplomb. Get ready to rip your own heart out delicately and place it on the stage in a humble offering of love. You are fine...and Fine-Fifteen loves you back.