About Me
.: KISSCHASE :. "I've been blessed with the ability to take an ugly situation and turn it into something real beautiful. My music illustrates my life, my pains and my struggles." Says Kisschase.
Kisschase is an artist/songwriter and up'n'coming producer from London, UK. He stumbled upon music at a tender age but has only been writing and recording for the past two years. With his musical tastes leaning towards urban sounds, such as Hip Hop and RnB, he frequently demonstrates an ability to paint situations, more often than not giving you an authentic sightseeing tour around his world. His music is open and honest, sometimes loose and free-flowing, but always sincere and passionate. After an eventful and tough few years, he is finally making progress. One of his biggest steps forward came last summer, when he was given the opportunity to collaborate with a Dutch Hip Hop crew, Boogie G Funk. During his brief stay in Holland he got to grips with performing live, seizing the chance to perform in front of 10000-strong audience. As an artist, Kisschase is versatile, able to work with music that spans genres. He has already worked with up'n'coming UK talent, including Lady Champagne, Caramel, Mixbreed, Garcia, Amzee, Tranzam, Double E, Love Shy and Hydra featuring on their tracks, co-producing their beats and appearing in their music videos. For more info: kisschase.net
Quote... Unquote
Mother Teresa said, "If you're kind, people will accuse you of selfish motives; be kind anyway. If you're successful you will win both false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; build anyway. The good you do today most people will forget; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis it's between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway."
source: lookingforgod.com
KissChase Tv...
Kiss Chase- Practice Sessions 01 Mixtape !
click cover to download my new mixtape for free