Whats Going on, my name is Rachel! I graduated from Brooke High..class of "07.I work at Dicks Sporting Goods..but I am still praying and trying to figure out what God is wanting me to do with the rest of my life...I am member of the wellsburg church of the nazarene! I love being a Christian and worshiping GOD!!I like to go Horseback riding,and rollerskating. I love to swim,dance,run,and read.I captiol LOVE PiZzA HuT!! I also enjoy a good fruit snack here and there..YUM..=p CoUnTrY MuSiC makes me happy!!!! I have the most AmAzInG FrIeNdS in the world..u kno who u r! I would be lost without my family, God has blessed me with one of the BEST families in the whole wide world they are my rock and my support system ♥ Watchin movies is one of my fav.past times...love Little Mermaid and Enchanted...heck i just love Disney!!!that is just the start of it..u wanna know more im me(LovRay5)♥♥GOD BLESS~Ray