i'm finally starting to feel more whole again
I'd like to think i'm openminded, and easy going, though sometimes i realize i'm not being open to close mindedness, i'm working on letting people be
I graduated in the fall of 08 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from San Jose State University, now i'm missing the print room, and the presses, and access to the studios and being around other artists regularly
i now work for bybaby.com as a production artist
i play softball regularly in the fremont city league.
i like to go on hikes with my dog on Mission Peak,but he doesn't like going up the hill, instead he likes to go to where the stream is and lay in it, and THEN roll in it...labs...what can ya do? they like water (at least its not cow pie, which unfortunately he's been known to do)...but now he's too old to go hiking, all arthriticy and stuff, poor baby
i love to do all sorts of things outdoors, hiking, biking, boating, skiing, camping, swimming, beach. which i don't get to do as much as i'd like. i also enjoy playing all sorts of board and video games
i'm a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute's clairvoyant training program. It was a great adventure and it taught me some spiritual tools, and gave me some structure to learn how to become more aware of myself. i do that through meditation, and doing psychic readings on people. If you are interested in a reading feel free to contact me.
My relatively new found spirituality (5ish years), ties into my art, but not in the obvious "spiritual art" kinda way. but they both come from the same place, and even when hit with the downs in life there's still an exitement to exploring both even more.Get Myspace Backgrounds
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i like to go to postsecret.com and read secrets