~K~ profile picture


Do what you want, and like what you do.

About Me

Well, my daughter set me up with this myspace, in hopes that I'll meet some great people, and stay in touch with friends and family far away. So I thought I'd give it a shot!
Myspace is pretty straight forward, Im 42, from U.S., I work fulltime in the fertility industry, I love my job! I've tried out a few different, random things searching for a life long career. Back in 2001 I graduated from North Reading Police Academy and did a little work in auxiliary and dispatching in the area. I've also gone to school for computer management but it's not my thing. I worked at Lucent for 18 years until they laid everyone off and gave us the boot. I'm happy where I am now. I own my own condo, right on the river, and I have a 12 year old male pug, Mugsy who's a pain in the ass, he's basically my shadow. I like gardening, going to the movies, SHOPPING ofcourse, going to the beach, fun things. If you want to know more about me, just ask.so do what you want and like what you do.

My Interests

Shopping, getting my hair done, going to the movies, hanging out.just chilling with a glass of wine in front of the tube watching dancing with wolves,haha or any other sexy guy for that matter..

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I'd like to meet:

I suppose I'd like to just meet friends. I work alot but it'd be nice to find someone to go out with every once in awhile.I'm starting to wonder if there are such things as GOOD guys? I'm very social, always like to have a good time, and talk with people. I'm open minded, and loving. I'm a great listener and advice giver!! What is anyones type in life? I suppose I just like to have lots of great people in my life and if one thing I learned is I have the best friends anyone could ever hope for.

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Well, I listen to 98.5 so I'm pretty open to any music; I like pop rock, rock, country,

Felicity & PJ's dog Jazzy.


I don't like ghouly things, nothing with blood and guts, sorry. I like dramas, true stories, and comedies.


Big Brother, Prison Break, American Idol, Lost, Survivor, Medium, Fear Factor. I like reality TV and anything that challenges people.


I'd have to say my kids and of course all my friends that rock!

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My Blog

A little more about me...

Likes: Mustang convertables, my laptop, my cellphone, my family, friends, flowers, sun tanning, relaxing by the water, shopping, pocketbooks, my job, helping other people, music, solitaire, cribbage, ...
Posted by ~K~ on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST