Mille profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

In my bag: Pounds, euros, kroner, 5 lip balms, 2 cell phones, motion sickness tablets, diary, sugar bag from some café, sunglasses, USB stick, chewing gum, cigarettes….I love: everything not linear, left wing politics, unexpected surprises, takeaway coffee in a park, smell of rain , sand , bare feet, Aveda products, cats, vanilla, having the best job in the world, singing,, Sunday papers, the thought of fate not only being the perfect excuse for things to happen, Chili, taking Julius to the theatre, rollercoaster’s even though they make me sick, cigarettes unfortunately, espresso, colour black even though not classified as a real colour, chaos, complexity, diversity, equality, writing, movies, being alone, buying gifts, tattoos, reading.On my desk: heaps of papers, multicoloured pens - Marianne told me that writing with strong colours makes you happy and inspired, post its, business cards, loudspeakers (miss computer waiting to go *you’ve got mail* hand cream, lip balms water, phone, coffee

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Me as a child

My Blog

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