Ben Duen profile picture

Ben Duen

staying true to the cfl scene up in hurrrr.....

About Me

Ben Duen is a freelance writer. He has written for automotive magazines and ezines like Import Tuner, Honda Tuning, HINcity,, He has been editor for and is currently a writer for where he has a blog on all things automotive located here: not scribbling, Ben is a Broadband Consultant by day and he greets guests at his family's College Park Asian Bistro and Sushi Bar by night— Ben Duen is also a landlord and dabbling in property management.--Ben does not rest, he has more jobs than a J'maican family of four living in Brooklyn, NY.Ben Duen should stop talking about himself in third person. He should realize he's not famous enough to get away with it without looking absolutely foolish. Ben Duen is now hungry. He smells something good from the kitchen where the wife is whipping something up. Ben Duen will now eat and try his best to get out of doing dishes. Wish him luck.He can be emailed at : [email protected] ..

My Interests

,cars, food, and hunting for unicorns

I'd like to meet:

Jade Motorsports. Can't believe it all started at West Oaks Mall in front of Panda Express at the food court over a decade ago. It's been an unbelievable ride so far and no sign of slowing down. I don't know what I am most proud of. From our Jade logos and t-shirts being sold to the general public at area malls-- to enough magazine/newspaper Jade features to create a book about Jade-- to working with famous directors and actors in blockbuster movies--to being featured on numerous tv shows and dvd's-- to the amount of awards and titles we've won as a crew--to having our cars shipped overseas and displayed--to the Japanese kids reading about US in THEIR magazines--to having practically any car enthusiast old and young recognize and respect the name Jade-- to having Jade cars being the pace cars at Sebring--to having multi million dollar companies knocking on our doors to have us represent their brands and products--to having Universal Studios showcase our cars during opening nights--to Jade members branching out and actually being employed and associated by the same companies and magazines we used to drool over -- to being known as some of the actual "OG's" in the scene--to have a company like Toyota/Scion give us a car and funds to mod out "Jade Style"--to having our cars licensed for the upcoming Juiced 2 video game --and most importantly, "to having the majority of the original Jade Crew still hanging together after over 10 plus truly is amazing what we've accomplished as a family while still working and elevating our own lives as well. I'm sure I'm leaving a ton of other highlights out but you get the damn point by now.Nobody would ever believe us if we told them that a bunch of snot nosed car freak kids hanging out in parking lots and drag strips amounted to what we've become.


When 50 Cent was just worth 3 pennies, Puff Daddy was Puff Baby, and Eminem was only known as a tasty chocolate morsel with a hard candy coating...there was the "Iceman"
Now Playing: Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby
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My Blog

Jade Bistro -Top 3 Sushi Restaurant in Orlando

Thanks for all the support everyone.Jade Bistro won Best Chinese in Orlando last year and looks like we followed that up with being voted as "Top 3" Sushi Restaurant in the city this ye...
Posted by Ben Duen on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:41:00 PST blog/column is up

I'm the new automotive specialist writer for Tribune's orlandocitybeat. My weekly automotive blog on has gone live..please visit it often and tell me what you think ...
Posted by Ben Duen on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 07:50:00 PST

i know...i'm lazy

haven't touched this in a while...added some pics .. -Bruce can almost walk -happy bday Uncle Phil, Big Mike, Julz, JJ, and Gramps -My new wheels are on the RX8.. -and I have another feature published...
Posted by Ben Duen on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 04:50:00 PST

William Hung the Artichoke King

For those who read my previous is a link to the hilarious video. artichoke king sneeze
Posted by Ben Duen on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 07:03:00 PST

American Idol Finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

two words Fffing Great! Here are some highlights: -The duet with a spastic over-the-hill Meatloaf and Katharine McPhever. Whatever drugs Meatloaf was on, I'd be willing to bet my lucky two ...
Posted by Ben Duen on Sat, 27 May 2006 09:48:00 PST

Jade Bistro is awarded Best of the Best by Orlando Leisure Magazine

Just got word that Orlando Leisure Magazine awarded Jade Bistro "Best of the Best in Orlando". A big thanks! It is always awesome to be appreciated and to know our hard work is being recognized. ...
Posted by Ben Duen on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:30:00 PST

Ben-0, Shrimps-1

Just got back from the doc and come to find out my pigging out on chinese roast duck, shrimp cocktails, and medium rare steaks have finally caught up to me after 31 years. To lower my cholesterol leve...
Posted by Ben Duen on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 09:32:00 PST

1st post of the year

If  "my space" was an actual place,  it would have dirt and dust everywhere, some dirty boxers on the floor, 5 pairs of dirty socks on the t.v, something dark green growing in a corner somew...
Posted by Ben Duen on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:20:00 PST

Happy Turducken Day and Mazdaspeed equipped RX8

Turducken...anyone heard of this?? If I understand correctly, they start with a chicken and shove it into a duck and then in turn shove that into a turkey's asshole before they cook it? Hmm...pass the...
Posted by Ben Duen on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 10:58:00 PST

aol dial up--it helps minimize your chance of getting dick dandruff

[[this is was an old post i came up with from when i used to work for aol/tw back in the day...i found it today and it gave me a laugh so i'm posting it up>   I love America Online i...
Posted by Ben Duen on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 09:07:00 PST