,cars, food, and hunting for unicorns
Jade Motorsports. Can't believe it all started at West Oaks Mall in front of Panda Express at the food court over a decade ago. It's been an unbelievable ride so far and no sign of slowing down. I don't know what I am most proud of. From our Jade logos and t-shirts being sold to the general public at area malls-- to enough magazine/newspaper Jade features to create a book about Jade-- to working with famous directors and actors in blockbuster movies--to being featured on numerous tv shows and dvd's-- to the amount of awards and titles we've won as a crew--to having our cars shipped overseas and displayed--to the Japanese kids reading about US in THEIR magazines--to having practically any car enthusiast old and young recognize and respect the name Jade-- to having Jade cars being the pace cars at Sebring--to having multi million dollar companies knocking on our doors to have us represent their brands and products--to having Universal Studios showcase our cars during opening nights--to Jade members branching out and actually being employed and associated by the same companies and magazines we used to drool over -- to being known as some of the actual "OG's" in the scene--to have a company like Toyota/Scion give us a car and funds to mod out "Jade Style"--to having our cars licensed for the upcoming Juiced 2 video game --and most importantly, "to having the majority of the original Jade Crew still hanging together after over 10 plus years...it truly is amazing what we've accomplished as a family while still working and elevating our own lives as well. I'm sure I'm leaving a ton of other highlights out but you get the damn point by now.Nobody would ever believe us if we told them that a bunch of snot nosed car freak kids hanging out in parking lots and drag strips amounted to what we've become. jadecrew.com
When 50 Cent was just worth 3 pennies, Puff Daddy was Puff Baby, and Eminem was only known as a tasty chocolate morsel with a hard candy coating...there was the "Iceman"
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