..The Euphoric Recall is a rock/blues/classic rock band from the Dayton area. Although they’ve only been together for a few years, their fresh outlook brings a new style to rock and blues! The Euphoric Recall is driven by their amazingly talented drummer, Kramer Sell, the tasteful playing of their bassist in Evan Mason, the tactful, energetic, and at times, jazzy stylings of their guitarist, Clayton Sell, and the swagger of their lead singer, Justin Shiveley, who has a strong voice with a wide vocal range! In addition to writing their own music, The Euphoric Recall are well versed in many classic rock covers as well as some modern rock covers which makes them easily accessible to any crowd! They play shows all over the Dayton and Cincinnati areas, most notably The Blue Note in Cincinnati and McGuffy's House of Rock in Dayton. In 2008, The Euphoric Recall won Music Slam ‘08 by popular vote on the main stage of Dayton’s Riverblast Festival! When asked what to expect at one of their shows, lead singer Justin Shiveley exclaimed, “Just four guys getting together to have a good time! We just want to play good rock and blues with a little bit of us and you all wrapped up! So fellows, get dressed in your best, bring your lovely ladies, and come to rock! Ladies, get washed up, look your best, and come to roll! The Euphoric Recall- It's about attitude, it's about freedom, it's about rock n' roll!†For booking, visit our myspace @ www.myspace.com/theeuphoricrecall or email us @ [email protected]
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