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As many of you have read in the prophecies of the ancients, earth, and by association, humanity, is undergoing a transition in consciousness forecast to occur in the 2012 timeframe. This planetary shift is part of a larger design of a galactic shift, which is part of a still larger design of a cosmic shift that crosses multiple dimensions of time/space. It is as large as you can conceive when you are in your most lucid state of heart-mind synchrony. One of the reasons that earth is now populated with 6.5 billion people is that it is the theater of interest to a vast assortment of cosmic beings incarnating to help in, and observe, this planetary transition. Each of you is a part of this, particularly if you are reading these words since they are part of an Event String to align individuals to this under-taking. There are forces on the planet that are not consciously aware of this shift, but are nonetheless playing their part in creating the conditions that will facilitate it. Without trying to alarm you in any way, there will be calamitous times ahead for humanity, particularly in the next seven to nine years. This is part of the process for a planetary consciousness to move from one dimension to a higher dimension where the attributes of that higher dimension can find expression in the mass consciousness and transform the way in which hierarchical systems like government, commerce, religion and culture function. This re-gridding or transformation of the key systems of the planet must occur before the major discoveries of humanity can manifest. These major discoveries include the repositioning of intelligence as something supernatural, interconnected and heart-centered. This is the precursor to the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul and its interconnection with the broader multiverse, which will come about in the last quarter of this century. The changes that will be occurring in the next seven years are substantial hurdles for humanity to leap over, without falling. It requires all of us to express an inner calm and confidence to adopt the frequencies of our innermost heart and share them with the public. There is not a single Messiah, Prophet or Savior in this era that will come and balance these elitist forces. In our time, it is a co-mingling of cosmic, extraterrestrial and human forces because the stakes are too important, the macroenvironment too complicated, and the histories too muddled for any one person to step forward and help humanity leap over the hurdles that lie ahead. This time it will be done as a unified team. This team will steer the course of the planetary consciousness and the dimensional shift that awaits it. It will operate in accord to the principles of the heart, independent of the minds of the appointed elite. There is a passage in Liminal Cosmogony that states: When the Animus believe they are entering the mansion of earth, using keys of the intellect, the Tribe of Light will enter through the backdoor, sealing the entryway and windows with a frequency that no intellect can unlock. The Animus will struggle to prevail, but having hearts that have withered they are drawn to the lower fields prepared for them, while the mansion of earth graduates into a meadow of grace and calm from which the soul of man can rise.; With an allegorical tone, this passage aptly describes what will occur. The ;struggle to prevail; will be unpleasant to many people and the associated stresses will cause many to unbalance and shift away from their hearts and higher minds, operating instead from their survival centers of the reptilian or first brain. It is at this time;as humanity is making its leap;that each of you can contribute your heart energy to the greater good. A TRANSCENDENT INTELLIGENCE There is a First Source3 or Central Sun. All dimensions lead to it. Whatever name you give to it: Higgs Field, Source Intelligence, Spirit, it issues from the Central Sun as love and it dimensionally shifts universes via its intelligence. Yes, love is powerfully intelligent. It has an intelligence that shines so bright that it is the light we see on every dimension of consciousness. Love, at this core frequency of Spirit, connects to your personal self through your innermost, energetic heart4. It passes in to you and through you at this juncture. You need to only imagine and visualize this intelligence of Spirit coming into your body and passing through you to all who cross your path, and when you do this, you have brought your mission to earth. You have grafted an aspect of heaven to an aspect of humanity and earth. And this is why you are here now. It may not sound complicated enough for some of you. This mission may even feel small and somewhat insignificant, given the grandeur of the cause. Perhaps some of you might feel that it;s not really using your full potential as a channel of the divine impulse. This is the mind-ego speaking to you. Listen to your heart and its intelligence. What does it feel when you read these words? It is not complicated. It is simple and fundamental. As long as a system is stable, or at equilibrium, it;s difficult to change it, but as it shifts toward disequilibrium and descends into chaos then even a filament of coherent energy can bring it into a new structure;a new harmony. This applies equally to you as an individual as it does to earth. Each of us can be a filament of coherent energy. Woven together, these filaments constitute an energetic potency that draws the shift of earth and humanity into a more balanced transition. what lies ahead in the ongoing evolution of the Planet Earth, and the formidable obstacles that need be resolved. It is crucial that we become familiar with this information so as to align ourselves with the Plan the Masters Know and Serve and for understanding the nature of global events and the agenda of the Inter-Galactic Assizes that will unfold over the next decade, in preparation for the Mass Landings of 2012! There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. These individuals embody what is to come relative to the human species. In a sense, they are time travelers who bring the future of human capacities to the present-day. They transmit the future vision first, and then the tools to activate others. It is largely through the activation of the DNA network that humankind will discover the Grand Portal because access to the genetic mind is essential to this discovery, as is the extra-sensory communication between those destined to assemble the discovery's component parts and piece together the seven-fold puzzle. If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels. In choosing to consciously access the Interface Zone, you tap into the genetic mind with greater clarity. This results in more vivid thought processes and enhanced intuition. It also improves extra-sensory perceptions that enable remote healing and remote communication. You need to picture it in your mind;s eye and contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this process. How the DNA is like tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body, but also has three-dimensional counterparts that communicate, store, and process information that reside mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system. humanity has forgotten this capability because it is more interested in the exploration of the individual ego than the formation and evolution of the group consciousness.------------------------I AM HERE TO HELP!! ARE YOU?LUX
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