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Silver MoonMare's House of The Rusty Cauldron

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Welcome Kindreds
The House Of The Rusty Cauldron
Something Wiccan This Way Comes!
Silver MoonMare
The Legend
The House Of The Rusty Cauldron
Circa 1813
Nestled upon a rocky cliff off the New England shoreline, on the outskirts of a sleepy village, stands an old house called the House Of The Rusty Cauldron. Surrounded by whispering sand dunes, it is a place long-forgotten by the hustle and bustle of these times. Handed down from generation to generation, it's legendary history is steeped in folklore. The woman who lives here, one who will not be named, is kind and gentle, and her lineage spans centuries throughout the ages. She comes from a long line of wise women, who suffered much in their lifetimes to preserve the sacred ways of the Old Ones. Like her great-grandmother before her, she is the one to whom people go for healing, counsel and various remedies. Come to be known as the Village Witch, she was once scorned and alienated by those of closed minds, but now holds a revered place in this community. Village locals thrive on the telling of many a tale of mystery associated with this historical dwelling. To the dismay of many, this place cannot be found on any local maps and 'tis an ardent and irksome journey to take if one does not know the way. It's towering facade often evokes awe and admiration from visitors as they approach the entrance. Cast-iron cauldrons line the front walkway and handcrafted besoms leaning up against the fence act as a playful reminder of chores left undone. In the front yard sits a large rusty cauldron, a treasured heirloom of the family clan, a testament to the heritage of this vintage house. An attached greenhouse offers an abundance of nature's bounty, lovingly cultivated by the proprietor's husband, known only as The Cunning Man. Across the yard, an old, yet well-preserved sign is posted inviting visitors to walk a magick labrynth which leads to the Witching Well. This sanctuary has been a place of hope and reflection where lovers and wide-eyed wee ones have wished their dreams and desires awake for over 200 years. Remember to cast your shiny coin into it's depths, but be careful what you "witch" for. Once the threshold of the house is crossed, one finds themselves in a truly magickal place. The front room has been converted into a cozy shoppe aptly named Samhain Botanicals, which bears the fruits of loving labor and makes all who visit feel like they've traveled back in time. Tingling chimes over the door herald a kind welcome and an immediate seduction of the senses begins to take place. The ceiling is abundant with hanging bunches of drying herbs, permeating the air with fragrant scent. Sandalwood incense wafts in spirals around an assortment of candles in every shape, size and color imaginable. Book-lined shelves containing a plethora of knowledge await many hours of enlightening pleasure to all who choose to lose themselves amongst the pages. Neat rows of hand-wrought herbal oils, bearing the mark of the Cunning Man, stand sentinel, lending an air of calm and serenity. A unique collection of herbal soaps and lotions, fashioned by the hand of the proprietor, fill woven baskets carefully arranged in rustic cabinets. A display of radiant stones and crystals adorn a cloth-covered table, surely bewitching the eye should it opt to linger there. The soft, dreamy sound of flute and harp music filters through the shoppe, instantly bringing the listener to new realms of peace and solace. Once it appears that there couldn't be anything else to charm and bewitch, the proprietor, with a rustling cloak and a warm smile, extends her hand in welcoming comraderie. Her invitation to "sit a spell" becomes hard to refuse, as the essences of lavender and mugwort find their way into hearts and souls. An offering of herbal tea, homemade scones and cauldron cakes makes for a delightful repast and one can feel the rigors of the day slowly dissolve with the setting sun. As the eye is drawn to a collection of handmade wands and antique cauldrons, a timid but friendly black cat wearing a pentacle-adorned purple collar appears out of nowhere and begins a ritual dance of figure-eights around unsuspecting ankles, thereby adding to the friendly atmosphere. Just as quickly, "Merlyn" melts into a dark corner, leaving behind his magickal purring song with a promise to return, in his own time, of course. As the gloaming approaches, the shoppe takes on an air of mystery, and just as one would assume that it is time to depart, the invitation is offered to remain and watch the rising of the Full Moon, which, according to the proprietor, is the best time to pick moonflowers. With a swish of her cloak, and a sweet "merry part", the proprietor sees her enchanted visitor to the door, and offers a gift...a shining amethyst crystal, it's facets sparkling in the glow of the waning sun. "May the light guide your path, and the shadows keep you safe", she whispers. All are welcome to the House Of The Rusty Cauldron, as long as love and light abide in your heart. Come in and sit a spell...'twill be a visit long to be remembered...Copyright © 2008 donna peque' ksepka

CURRENT MOON phases of the moon ....

I am Silver MoonMare, a traditional Wiccan, and a High Priestess. I am also a breast cancer survivor-9 years in August 2010-and blissfully married to my soul mate and life partner, Mike. He is the joy of my life. He is a Wiccan High Priest and we have been married for 12 years. We love all things in nature, having a special kinship with the animal world and despise any and all cruelty to them. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. We have a close bond not only with each other, but also with our family and friends, and we love to spread our light to all we meet. Being witches, we are very involved in educating people about the misinformation that has been handed down throughout the ages concerning witchcraft. It is a very reverent religion and although witches have been accused of devil worship, Satan does not exist for us. Our tenet and only commandment is "Harm None", and that means not only physically, but spiritually, mentally and otherwise. Because there must exist a balance in the world, we are very aware that there is good and bad in every facet of life, religion and occupation, and our religion is no exception. However, only a true witch practices good, despite the nasty stigmas that have endured throughout time. We find the Divine in the changing of the seasons, and in the cycles of the Moon. We worship a Goddess as well as a God, as all things in nature, humankind, and the animal/plant worlds are both male and female. Crafting ourselves as the best people we can be is our goal. In May, I became a grandmother for the first time to twin babies, a boy Sean Michael and a girl, Cameron Michelle. They are the jewels of my heart. Stop by and check out their photos in my pics section.

Family Photos

My Twin Grandbabies
Family Pets

Mike The Witch
Click on picture above to visit my hubby, Mike the Witch, for info. on his Wicca and Wiccan Herbal Magick classes. Finally, a place for those who wish to empower themselves with knowledge of the ancient traditions of this reverent religion.(Note: if you are taken to an alert screen when you click here, simply click on Mike's addy which will appear in the middle of the page)

OSPIThe Other Side Paranormal Investigations
Click on picture to visit The Other Side Paranormal Investigations page. OSPI is our paranormal group, which was started in the summer of 2007 by my hubby, Mike, and his friend Jeff. We have been on several investigations, with some pretty awesome data to report. Stop by in your travels on MySpace and check out some of our photos from hunts.
To Be A WitchTo be a Witch is to love and be loved-
To know everything and nothing at all-
To be a Witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on Earth-
To change the world around you as well as yourself-
To be a Witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while-
To dance and sing and hold hands with the universe-
To be a Witch is to honor the Goddess and God, as well as yourself-
To actually Be Magick, not just perform it-
To be a Witch is to be honorable, or be nothing at all-
And to accept others who are not-
To be a Witch is to know what you feel is right and good-
To know the ways of old-
To harm none-
To be a Witch is to see beyond the barriers-
To follow the Moon-
To be a Witch is to be one with the Gods-
To study and to learn-
To be a Witch is to be the teacher and the student-
To acknowledge the truth-
To be a Witch is to live with the Earth, not just on it-
To be a Witch is to be truly free...
Note: Be sure to hit the pause button on my music profile before clicking on this video!

Rainbow's Bridge
Leia-In Fond Memory
Beloved pet and friend. Gone from this world, but not from our hearts...Sleep with the faeries, sweet Leia beyond the gates of Rainbow's Bridge.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow's Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow's Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.Then you cross Rainbow's Bridge together....Author unknown...
Take a journey to Realms Beyond to experience a total seduction of the senses. Our good friends Jason and Jackie have transformed their New Age Shoppe into a wonderland you won't want to miss. Stop in...'twill be a visit you'll never forget. Click on the picture above to visit their site.
Visit Mystic Glenn for a truly magickal journey through a beautiful shoppe filled with enchantment. Our friend Dee will welcome you with a warm smile and cheerful customer service. Click on picture above to visit the site. (Note: if you are taken to an alert screen when you click here, simply click on the addy which will appear in the middle of the page)
Otter and Trout Trading Company
Click on picture to visit our dear friends, Otter and Trout for all your herbal needs. (Note: if you are taken to an alert screen when you click here, simply click on Otter and Trout's addy which will appear in the middle of the page)

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