Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads :) Seriously, I like to meet other industry professionals, movie lovers.Take the quiz:
Which Rock Star Are You
Vince Neil
you are the lead singer for Motley Crue
Take the quiz:
Which sImpson CharaCter aRe yOU???(((PICTURES)))
YoU're a TErRor IN tHE fLesh..HaRd COre wAnNabe..YOUr jUS leARniNg whEN yOU geT Ur aSs kIckEd bY ThOse bULlYs...wHaT dOesnT kILl yOU maKes YoU sTrOngEr, RighT?
Take the quiz:
What kind of bf are you?((with pix))
You are the perfect boyfriend/ know just they way to be in a relationship! Don't change anything and good luck!