Reverbeffect ;
Welcome to the Reverbeffect Space.
I've had associations with music making most of my life. Some of my attempts are minor meditations and others are just plain fun. I hope that you will enjoy these simple offerings for what they are.
Hannah-Rei features as a vocalist and co-writer and puts a magic shine on my sometimes clumsy guitar playing. Hannah has her own myspace and a talent that far exceeds my own.Laurie and Simon's Themes are part of a suite of music for their Wedding in July. Laurie's Theme is inspired by Irish Folk Music and Simon's Theme is a more Anglicised rendition of a tune I wrote to compliment Laurie's. Originally it was just intended to be a simple two guitar arrangement but after trying several string and horn dubs, I liked this particular arrangement.
Border Crossing reflects the Northumbrian in me. Best listened to with headphones.Ripples sometimes called the Duck Tune, is about my connection with water and a journey through a life.You Say was a lot of fun and co-written with Hannah from a jazzy riff that had been whirring around in my head for far too long.Mr Smooth is totally apposite to me but Hannah turned this into something workwhile.
Check out Hannah-Rei
Nov 14 2006 20:00 -
The Bedford
London, SW12 9HD
Winner of the MBF Songwriter Awards 2006 Hannah-Rei & her Band
Outstanding Performance!
MBF Songwriting Award 2006 - Hannah being presented with the Gold Envelope by Guy Chambers with Cathy Dennis and Jake Shillingford looking on, David Stark and Tony Moore (obscured).