Gaming, reading, Sci-fi, animals, Anime, Food, Others that I can't think of.
Meet? Hells.. I'd just like to keep up with all the friends that I've had.
Many and varied interestes.. I like what I like.. Typically, I barely like more than a couple songs from a single group.
I'm mostly in it for Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Comedy and Action.
TV? No.. TIVO! The TIVO rules.. All bow to the liberating device that is Tivo! Currently set up on my Tivo 'season pass' is Stargate: Atlantis... Doctor Who.. Torchwood If I'm not watching a prerecorded show, the TV is usually on FoodTV.
Yes! Lots, actually. More books than one should rightly own. I read for enjoyment or to learn.. Mostly for enjoyment, as I 'learn' easier from lecture and experience rather than books.
Heros exist only in one's mind. And there they invariably fail to live up to your expectations. In this sense.. I'm my own hero. Nobody lets me down more than myself.