sex between 2 ppl iz a beautiful thing, sex between 5 iz fantastic!!
About Me
Hey all, im kool n funny (well i think so neway!) n im totally dumb wen it cumz 2 these thingz, which iz y my spacey thing sux. Im an awsome person (cocky, can u tell?) n love havin fun :D So Yeh, if u wanna have sum fun or just chat or woteva, msg me lolz.Lotz Ov Luv xoxoxox Brookey
My Interests
Everything! az long az im wif ppl.
I'd like to meet:
Dean from australian idol, DAMN HE IZ HOTT
i lyk most thingz az long az it aint pop.
Comedy and Horror.
Dun really watch it.
Dont read...
Myself! :D
My Blog
Plz help me out...
Can someone help me out here? I need to know, what iz the point ov these my spacey thingz? Lolz, im confused, wot am i meant 2 do...? Posted by Brookey on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:34:00 PST
help me :(
Hey pplz! i have NO idea wot these thigz r n the onli reason i got 1 ov these iz coz every1 kept tellin me 2!! if sum1 would lyk 2 tell me how 2 work these thingz that'd b gr8! Ta, Brookey.... Posted by Brookey on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 05:13:00 PST