Mobilizing people to fight against injustice, learning about human rights and researching ways to get people involved, learning about marketing, reading, writing, listening to live music, discovering new bands, watching movies, running, changing and growing, thinking about life, going to the beach,hanging out with my family, throwing the football, playing trivia games, travelling, going to coffee shops, hanging out with the girls, praying, and thinking about God. I also enjoy pondering life, goofing off with funny people, discovering myself in the midst of my 20s, and wondering what is going to happen next. I'm trying to learn to hope, despite the fact that I have no idea what is going to happen...
Other abolitionists. People who are passionate about preventing human trafficking. Henri Nouwen. William Wilberforce. Floyd McClung who wrote about Apostolic Passion. SHANE CLAIBORNE, definitely now for sure. Kevin Bales again.
The Beatles, most Brit rock,Reeve Carney and the Revolving band, James Blunt, David Gray, Coldplay, Travis, Stars, Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service, stuff on KCRW, Miles Davis, Mat Kearney, Patty Griffin, Cat Stevens, OKGO, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Ryan Adams, Jeff Zabel, David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin, and Jessica Donnheimer.
American Beauty, The New World, It's A Wonderful Life, A Place in the Sun, Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind, Casablanca, Sunset Boulevard, Thirteen, The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari, The Devil's Backbone, 80s movies, The Bicycle Thief, My Dog Skip, In the Bedroom, In the Mood For Love, In Her Shoes, Rebecca, Blood Diamond.Fritz Lang stuff. German Expressionism, filmnoir, Jimmy Stewart movies, some Hitchcock. Going to see some more movies this week!
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The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, most things by F. Scott Fitzgerald because he's AMAZING!, film books, classics, the Bible, Henri Nouwen is one of my favorite authors. "The Inner Voice of Love" has gotten me through so many situations..."Terrify No More" by Gary Haugen, "Good News About Injustice" by Gary Haugen"The Irresistable Revolution" is insanely good. I hope one day to be an Ordinary Radical!!!I'm reading "What Color is Your Parachute" and "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldridge which is a must read for women.
God. He's just been there for me through it all. He knows me and loves me no matter what. I don't have to accomplish things or be perfect. I'm just me and that's okay with him. Gary Haugen, especially now that I've met and interacted with him. The other peeps at IJM who do the work.