about me you want to know about me that me see....my name
........................................................is Shacari! were i go my name idk my mom came up with it..........................................................
..i live in West Bend and Milwaukee. My life is great some........................................................
..people say but to me its like know other... boring one day.........................................................
.fun the next.. in love..and dumped off the side of a clif........................................................
..the next! I have so many fiends but i just thought of it i...........................................................
dont really talk to the i think i have more high school......................................................
.....friends then middle school....I love to talk on the phone.......................................................
....and the computer! Hangng out with my friends is my all.........................................................
..time favortie.. hey feel so close to me... i think i hang........................................................
...out with friends more than my own family -lol- but I am..........................................................
.really close to my cousin michael.. i think he is my idol!.......................................................
....i love yoo mike...mostly all i do is hang out and talk,.......................................................
....listen to music and all that. School is not my thing*******************************************************
****the only reason i go there is so see my lovely friends.****************************************************
*******oohh i forgot to say I love to shop... i could do it**********************************************************
*all day well who couldnt?? Summer i go swimming and to**********************************************************
*parties alot and all that fun stuff in the dells....***************************************************
********but who cares really i dont get why people would want to**********************************************************
*know about you when they already do.. well li guesse for*********************************************************
**the people who dont know you and all that... but i am**********************************************************
*goin to be goin now if there is anything else you want********************************************************
***to know about me just comment or email me!! oh dont********************************************************
***forget to comment the pics theres alot to do but if you*********************************************************
**can read all this you can comment all my pictures well********************************************************
***showsome love bye..♥ girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments