Jay Jonroy aka J Jalal Jonroy profile picture

Jay Jonroy aka J Jalal Jonroy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Please join DAVID & LAYLA at Facebook Film: http://www.facebook.com/pages/David-Layla/9069090891?ref=ts
Writer/Producer/Director J. Jonroy aka J. Jonroy Avani at Facebook Film: http://facebook.com/pages/J-Jonroy-Avani/51333186219

To play a video, first stop the music by pushing Pause on MP3 Music Player on the left margin. Then click Play arrow to play all videos in sequence or click on any video's smaller arrow of the clip you wish to see. (To return to the music, do the reverse: stop or pause a video, then play MP3 music.)For Reviws and Cinemas Showtimes visit: www.DavidandLayla.comA dual American and British citizen, multi-lingual Jay Jonroy now lives and works in New York and Paris. A member of Writers Guild of America WGA, and a former student of UCLA School of Film and Television, American Film Institute AFI, and USC Department of Cinema & TV Advanced Screenwriting Practicum, Jay was born in Southern-Kurdistan (Iraq.) Made stateless and in exile since Jay was a teenager, he has studied and worked in London, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Rio, Paris and New York. Either through scholarships or paid for by his own work, he has studied at the universities of Leicester, Imperial College, London, Paris Sorbonne, and UCLA and USC film schools in Los Angeles. After graduating with a rare First Class Honors B.Sc. degree at Leicester University, Jay declined a scholarship (to the shock of his professors) to study for a PhD at the prestigious Churchill College/Cambridge University in favor of a Masters Degree at Imperial College/London University so he could live in London- the cosmopolitan capital of diverse cultures and international arts. In London, later Jay studied Creative Photography. Worked briefly as a fashion photographer in London and Paris.Discovered Koo Stark before her royal romance with Prince Andrew. Then, he studied 'Acting, Movement and Speech' at the London City Literary Institute. In the 90's while living for seven years in New York with actress Layla Alexander, he coached actors for their final year scenes and plays at the renowned Circle in the Square Theatre School of Acting on Broadway. He acted as volunteer mentor to the graduate students at New York University - NYU - Graduate Film Department assisting the development of their final thesis films. An amateur musician, Jay collects ethnic music and has been listed as a Patron of the Arts at the World Music Institute in New York. Two members of Jay's family - a younger brother and a brother-in-law - went missing or murdered in Iraq. Later, their remains were found in Ba'athists and Saddam's mass graves. Jay was obliged to abandon his film projects unfinished for about ten years to help his family escape Saddam's genocidal campaigns against Kurds. Some of those horrors are reflected in his first feature film David & Layla (2006). Jay supports Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch of NY and the World Music Institute. He writes about and promotes the films, music and cultures of oppressed nations. A cinephile of both East and West cinema, Jay is an Internet film critic of World Cinema at Newroz Films, as well as a writer on human rights and a free-lance supporter of the Human Rights International Film Festivals. Many of his siblings & relatives now live as refugees in diaspora in England, Holland, Germany, and France. His first feature, David & Layla, is a gift, a 'comic relief' to the oppressed 'Layla's of the World. It is dedicated to the memory of the genocide victim members of his family.www.NewrozFilms.com

My Interests

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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Blog

Press Release: 'David & Layla' film at IMDB: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0424025/

David & Layla at IMDB: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0424025/   Writer/Director at: http://www.MySpace.com/jay_jonroy   From an impossible romance, a hope (a fantasy!) for peace &...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 04:46:00 GMT