Hank Jr.
..I'm a 28 year old man that lives in Charleston, WV. I met the most beautiful woman in the entire world back in 2001 at a grocery store, but never got to go out with her or anything until 7 years later and now she's my wife. If you've ever heard a song by David Lee Murphy called "Inspiration", well that's what she is to me.As for things about me or what I like to do;
I enjoy going to fairs, festivals, and concerts. I have been to over 70 Concerts and have seen over a 100 artists/bands in my life. I am originally from Spencer, WV which is a small town north of Charleston, so I have the small country roots. I moved to Charleston in 1998, then back to Dunbar in 1999, then back to Spencer in 2000. I returned back to Charleston 2001 and have been in here since. If you would like to know anything else about me, just drop me a line and ask.My Instant Messenger Screen Names are:
Myspace on this account.
Yahoo: jdkwv2005
[email protected] Travis-Around The Bend 2008 Happenings