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About us
Nous faisons du design graphique pour internet et l'impression.
photos - sites internet - flyers - catalogues - cartes - identité visuelle.
Pour les particuliers, les entreprises, les associations.
We make graphic design for web and print.
photography - websites - leaflets - catalogues - cards, etc.
We are
GRAPHISM(E): Chris.LNX chris.lnx.free.fr
ILLUSTRATION / FLASH / DEV. : Regis D.(aka REGHYZ) Reghyzone.com
job : Graphicdesign / Webdesign / Webdev.
Status : Freelance
Hometown : Toulouse - France
Here for : Networking
graphisme, design, webdesign, illustration, plaquette, flyers, logo, communication, artworks, print, art, flash, photoshop, illustrator ...