i LOVE musiC!! mOstly sad lOve sOngs!! mY faVs are... jaY-Z duh!! celiNe diOn, jaiMe fOxx!! taNk!!!!!!!!! aaliyah!! tierra ♥ carl thOmas... lOve anthOny hamiltOn, teedra mOses, amel, gOapele, alicia keyS, amerie, laurYn hill, mary j. blidge, cOmmOn, janeT jaCksOn, mariah carey, SWV!!! beyOnce/ destiNys child.. juStiN timberlake!! naT kiNg cOle!! nO dOubt/gwen!! bOb marleY!! shaKira!! selena!! Of cOurse tupaC!! warren g!! quiK!! weeZy, snOop, pharrel!! lupe fiascO, brandY, sade, alaniS mOrsette! diXie chiCks, faith hill, garth brOokeS!....
gOne with the wiNd is mY all time faV!! i lOve ray!! beaches.. breakfaSt aT tiffanYs.. the wOod!! brOwn sugar!! anchOrman .. Old schOol.. menace tO sOciety... imitatiOn Of life!! preTty wOman.. step-mOm.. abOut a bOy.. a lOt like lOve.. nOtebOok!! clOser.. mr.&mrS. smith... ORiginal siN! maRy pOppins, peTer paN, baCk tO the beaCh..... sCarfaCe.. carlitOs waY, craSh!! in tOo deep, paid in full, unfaithful, sOmethingS gOtta give, firSt wives club, sOund Of muSic! eVerY shirley temple mOvie!! sweet nOvember, a beautiful mind, she's sO lOvely, cOming tO america! 50 first dates, biG dadDy! the stOry Of us!! fried green tOmatOes, steel magnOliaS! and Of cOurSe clueless!! ..