mUsic bOokz pEople's pOwEr (hEhehe!)
?AlternatiVe ?pUnk'd, ?Slow rOck!
aRmaggEdoN, sTep uP 1 & 2, HSM, spiderman 1,2 & 3 (the latter was d' bEst!) fantastic 4, kate & leopod, 50 first date, shrek, ConAir, U'v gOt maiL, sUpermAn rEturns, piratEs of d CarribEan, a walk in the cLouds, batman bEgins, lizZie mcguire, the fugitive, firEwaLL, cLick, US marshalls, how to lOse a gUy in 10 days, fiRewAll, mEaN girLs, tHe cLick, tHe nOtebOok, hEartbrEak kiD
7even pEople you mEet in hEaven, harRypotter editOn seriEs, Kane & Abel...bOoks Of fiCtiOn eSpeciAlly!?