I have (in order of appearance) 1 husband aka Christiaan, 2 BOYS aka Gabriel and Alexander, and 1 cat aka Ollie the Magic Bum or aka pain in my arse. (RIP Sept. 07)
I never get enough sleep...I miss my favorite sheet (it was lost in Paris)...I talk way too much. You should see my phone bill...I love living in Germany and don't really want to come back in late 2009...There are only two jobs I really want to do. 1. Perform in a Broadway musical (many of them) or 2. Work at the airport (a big airport)...I love to people watch...One of these days I'll do at least one of those...I love inside jokes. If I ever respond to a question with "Uterus"...I promise it's okay to ask me why.
Autism invades my waking hours....both of my boys are on the Spectrum...and yes, it's okay to ask me about it. I have nothing to hide and they are amusing and Amazing's never a dull moment in this household...We have a broom named Bob(you have to ask for it by name...broom just won't cut it)
I love people and believe that most of them have something interesting and valuable to add to the world...except when I'm driving and then my mantra is "I hate people, I hate people, that bastard just cut me off, I hate people"
I'm sure you can tell that the hubby is in the Army...Yep, that makes me a "Military Wife"....Yes, I've had some interesting neighbors in many different places....I never thought that I would live in such exotic locales as Spring Lake or Bunnlevel (no, really) North Carolina...or Beautiful (except for the Sand Gnats) Savannah, Georgia...and of course (I said it earlier and it says so by my picture) Illesheim, Germany....Hell, one of my old neighbors was actually from MWC...Who knew I would move to Europe and live by someone from my hometown.Did I forget to mention that I have an incredible husband and that we just had our 14th anniversary? ....Well, now you know....and knowing is half the battle
and now I'm done....
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