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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Real Name: Steffany
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel Green
Weight: 122lbs
Height: 5'6
NickNames: Silver-Eyes, Smily
Heres My Very Cool likes haha Anyways... I like singing yup i said it correctly, i no alot of girls like it but hey i like it cuz i actually enjoy every part about it, i can sing when ever and where ever i want like in my shower or in my house or even outside lol i do it all the time its a natural thing for me and its very enjoyable.
I also like dancing, yup i really like danging everywhere possible too haha like at my friends parties, or raves or clubs and even in my bedroom im all up and dancing the night away its alot of fun trust me specially if ur like drunk and bored turn on the tunes and get down! haha.
I also enjoy going for nice long walks, i can walk all day everywhere possible but mainly i like walking along the rapid and or along the beachs its soothing and relaxing for me, walking in the rain is like wow, holding hands in the rain kissing in the rain, theres only one guy i would rather do that with but were no longer anymore, andnot to mention im also a morning walker, i have to walk in the morning to keep in shape! only way to go!
Spending Time with the ones i care about aka family & close friends, honestly i love my family with all my heart, i would do anything for them just the fact that i have them and that they`re a great part of my life means everything to me, no effence but if u dont understand that they mean the world to me then i cant help but say goodbye to you because my family comes first. And my friends well them i love being around them being able to tell them the dirty little secrets that ive got and also just to be able to hold on to my friends is a great feeling too there all like a 2nd family to me.
Well my dislikes are Fairly Simple aswell.. Shit Talkers Aka Acusers - I hate it when people Acuse me of shit, like wtf how the hell do u really no its not someone else? huh? how the hell is it me all the single fucking time. and shit talkers are just a waste of time, they got nothing better to do and there just jealous so they trash other peoples lives. UR SAD!!!
Cheaters - trust me everyone hates a cheater, i no how it feels to be cheated on, i cheated on the one i truly loved with this other guy and lost the one i loved for good and it really hurt, so now i kept a promise to be true to myself.
People who think there gods greatest thing - honestly if u think that then ur sad and full of shit because no one is perfect in this shallow earth, no one is this great hot shit that god made everyone is different in our own unique ways we all have our faults too!
Young Teenaged Sluts - Honestly i think ur all dirty little whores. lol like ur 14 sleeping around with guys thats just WRONG like wait a couple years before u end up fuckin pregnant @ 15.
Ditchers - If ur gonna bail on me or cancel when u no we made plans dont make plans in the first place with me, because it really does hurt me but ill forget it and learn not to make plans with u