~Hamz~ profile picture


LOve Others oR pErisH!!

About Me

Positive Traits: appealing, altruistic, creative, empathetic, intuitive, generous, artless, gentle, romantic, sensitive, compliant, candid and self-effacing darlings.Negative Traits: self-pitying, pessimistic, fugitive, parasitic, vengeful, lazy, indecisive, contentious, violent, capricious, irresponsible, tardy, careless, bigoted, nasty little pieces of work.

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Hmmp... My Interests??? more than a hundred that my brain could ever think.. Well.. I'm basically sensitve..hahah dunno why lately become so emotional, loves outdoor activities, ie: jugle tracking , wall climbing, any sea sports, scuba diving, reading (heavy stuff usually), cooking, gardening/ The list will never stop.. told ya!! P/S : wanna know more? lets get hook up and we spend a day..

I'd like to meet:

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Hell yeah.. sumone that really i can appreciate his company, cherish his joy and laughter, wipe his tears (myb if he's too sensitive and barely stand the preasure).. amazed by his courage to stay cool though there is million probs in his head..Sumone to share good and bad times, complicated and typical big headed.. weird huh!!??? lover and fren at the same time.. A SOUL MATE myb..


Music something universal and kinda booster when u in love, feel fucked up, under presure, happy, make love, so many situations and conditions. Well anything that can make me follow the rythm (except DANGDUT) hahhahahahha


MySpace Layouts


* Travel and Living * Jamie Oliver (cooking dude) * Forever Summer wf Nigella (delicious and tempting food) * Designer Guys (good combination) * Oprah Winfrey Show ( full of inspirations) * ANTM (like em very much when sumone get eliminated)


books?? currently i have one which still on my bed since i got it last 3 months and been looking around for this fuckin book for a year in KL, hopeless till a fren from UK mail it on my birthday.. "On The Down Low"


My dad and my mum...

My Blog

Panduan Untuk Jadi Lebih Sihat

Ada sedikit ilmu yg ingin saya kongsi bersama dengan kawan2 semua? Rupa2nya tanpa kita sedo, dalam makanan yg kita makan sehari2, kita tak boleh main balun aje? sebab itulah terjadinya penyakit kenci...
Posted by ~Hamz~ lOve oThErS oR pEriSh!!! on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:49:00 PST


Empat perkara menguatkan badan:       1. makan daging       2. memakai haruman       3. kerap mandi  ...
Posted by ~Hamz~ lOve oThErS oR pEriSh!!! on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:09:00 PST


Daku Terasa Ingin MembawaCinta Yang Terlara Ke Titik MulaKembali Mencuba Untuk Kali KeduaMenggilapkan Gerhana JiwaPernah Ku Terasa Ingin MerayuPada Kasih Dulu Pulang PadakuLupakan Dosaku Putihkan Kela...
Posted by ~Hamz~ lOve oThErS oR pEriSh!!! on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:24:00 PST

My Broken Hope....

Doaku agar kaukan selalu bahagia,Agar kau temui insan tulus menyayangimu,Lepaskanlah diriku kerna keredhaanmu,Bukan kerna dendam jua bukan kerna kau terpaksa,Ku tinggalkan memori bersamamu,Kuundur dir...
Posted by ~Hamz~ lOve oThErS oR pEriSh!!! on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:16:00 PST


Seems like it was yesterday when i saw ur face U told me how proud u were but i walked away If only i knew wut i know today huuuuuuu.. I would hold u in my arms I will take the pain away Thank yo...
Posted by ~Hamz~ lOve oThErS oR pEriSh!!! on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:41:00 PST