instead of telling you what my interests are i am going to tell you what im not interested in so that way no one will waste their time talking to me about it. i am not interested in driving, nascar , football , golf , computer games (ive quit the sims), running, and many other things. but most of all BIKING. i am really 100% without a doubt not interesting in biking. i am not interested when people purchase new bike parts or if they bike race or if they are thinking about bike racing. i dont like bike shops, i dont like working in bike shops, i dont like going for bike rides, and i really dont like it when my friends go for bike rides and desert me. i dont like bike clothing or bike gloves. i dont care what kind of bike you have or if you have xtr or xt. i dont care how heavy your bike is and i dont care if you have full suspension. i am not interested in what kind of bike i own or if you care what kind i have. as you can see i really dont like biking.
i'd like to meet a real cowboy.
i dont like music
captain ron and any family guys episodes
star magazine but i suppose that isnt a book.
jamie taloumis is my hero. she has the world recored for eating the most freeze pops in one sitting.