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To every girl that dresses cute not skanky. To every girl who wants to be called beautiful not hot. To every girl that will spend her whole day looking for the perfect birthday present for you. To every girl who gets her heart broken because he chose the whore instead. To every girl who is nice to everyone no matter who they are. To every girl that would die to have a decent boyfriend. To every girl that won't settle for the jerk. To every girl who would just like once to be treated like a princess. To every girl that cries at night because of another heartbreak. To every girl that won't get down on her knees and open her mouth just to get a boyfriend. To every girl that just wants to hold hands. To every girl that kisses him with meaning. To every girl who just wishes he cared. To every girl who would just once want a guy to give their jacket up when they are cold. To every girl who just wants him to call. To every girl who wastes her day waiting by the phone. To every girl that just wants to cuddle. To every girl that is scared to put her heart out there again because she has been hurt so many times. To every girl who shows how much she cares and gets nothing in return. To every girl that thought maybe this could be the one. To every girl that believes in her dream. To every girl that would do anything so she could achieve them. To every girl that laughs at stupid stuff when she actually does think it is funny. To every girl who is just looking for that one and only and is having a rough time along the way. To every girl that gave her heart only to have it shoved back in her face. This one is for you. to all the guys who read this. Don't think with your Dicks, Don't think with your brains, Think with your hearts. To the boy who does listen. To the boy who strives to make her happy. To boy who makes time for her. To boy who doesn't care what she wears. To boy who is fine with a kiss and a cuddle instead of a make-out session. To the boy who gives her some space. To the boy who calls her beautiful instead of sexy. To the boy who stays with her at the dance. To the boy who will give 100, even when she gives 0. Put this on your site if this is the kind of man that you want to be with--

My Interests

"Only high-powered, neurotic, Manhattan career bitches wear black. Is that what you want to be?" "Ever since I was a little girl." --Stepford Wives
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I'd like to meet:

Channing Tatum, Derek Jeter,


dmb,coldplay,the fray,tom petty,jack johnson,modest mouse, oasis,FYI,Dashboard Confessional,fall out boy, the red jumpsuit,Blue October,bob marley,bright eyes,one republic,jay z,lil wayne,TI,Juelz,Rihanna,beyonce,bright eyes, Jae Hood, Styles P,sheek louch,Chris Brown, Usher, Pharell,B.I.G, rjay, neyo,mobb deep, jadakiss,cassie,ashanti
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Step-up,scarface,goodfellas,boondock saints,wedding crashers,a walk to remember, the guardian, the black dahlia
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Grey's anatomy, Law & Order, OC, Laguna Beach, Real World,Desperate Housewives,
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ummm i normally dont read unless i have to:)


My Grandmaa:)3

My Blog

True Friend:)

I'm willing to bet there are plenty of you on my friends list that won't even read this or even care about the bulletins that are posted . People are TOO fake on here. They only want picture comments ...
Posted by Kristin<3 on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:24:00 PST