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I am here for Friends

About Me

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i'm nehaa. and i amm: crazy. moody. nice. random. happy. stupid. straight-forward. slow. curious. musical. confused. balanced. girly. chic. boring. lazy. trustworthy. sleepy. colorful. obsessive. hyper. busy. hungry. loving. childish. anorexic. motherly. free. fashionable. disorganized. undecisive. mean. inconsiderate. friendly. forgetful. helpful. evil. innocent. rebellious. independent. dependent. caring. lively. energetic. charismatic. awesome. cool. obsessive. talkiative. quiet. shy. advising. multitasking. studious. hard working. poetic. annoying. philosophical. procrastinator..
pump it up.

My Interests

doing nothing. or chatting. or baking.


anything. unless it puts me to sleep.


love them. all of them.


i hardly watch tv. just flip through the channels.


love books. read anything i can find.


everyone is a hero in their own way.