Hey there. How've you been? Good? I hope good.
Us? Oh, y'know how things are.
Well, actually, you probably don't.
We haven't been around since June of last year.
Here's the skinny: The HSC intervened. Then other bands intervened.
Then uni. Then work.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
So here's the anorexic: As of December 2009, the collective of Once and Always is being stored away in a box.
The box won't be locked shut, or immovable. Who knows? Maybe we'll get it out in a couple of Christmasses' time to have a laugh about the old days.
But really, it's time to put Once and Always to bed. So we'll have one last go-around in December, playing pretty much everything we can remember.
If you ever came to see us, or even played with us, thank you.
Thank you very, very much.
Love, David.