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Ryan Dudeson

a cookie is just a cookie...unless it's made by my girlfriend. then it's a super cookie.

About Me

I am currently a Senior at Azusa Pacific University. I'm a Christian. I also am in love with this girl Rachel - she's so cute!. I'm also in this band, and we are gonna be huge - trust me. I'm from Monterey, California...the land of fruits and nuts. Jack Black is awesome and so is Samuel L. Jackson. I like Brian Regan and I dare to say that he is funnier than Dane Cook. I like taking care of my body, eating healthy (for the most part) and working out. As of now, weightlifting and swimming are my activities of choice. Sometimes, I like to play golf. I also like playing music on my "ELECTRIC GUITAR!" Yes its true. I am a rockstar. NO SKANKBAGS ALLOWED. " / Get Your Own Voice Player ManageI edited my profile at Doobix.com
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My Interests

Music, playing music, working out, going to movies, renting movies, being lazy, Rachel, eating a restaurants, cooking my own food, having the occasional root beer without the root, and c-walking to and from locations...Fatboy Slim - Praise you

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I'd like to meet:

People who aren't gay. also, people who DON'T think it's stupid to put a picture of their girlfriend/boyfriend in their "about me" section, with a caption of "already met him/her."


SUMMERLIND/Mighty Bomb Jack, letter kills (RIP), saosin, older metalllica (RIP), blink (RIP), new found glory, the starting line, sum 41 (RIP), cartel, papa roach, him, SHEISA HEIST...oh yeah, i like country and some hip hop, but not all together at the same time. Man I like a bunch of stuff.Texas DUI Stop

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office space, cable guy, dumb and dumber, breakdown, airborne, the neverending story, anything chris farley, the game...


Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, Mythbusters, Animal Planet, Cribs, Comedy Central, Grey's Anatomy, House M.D.


I always have the intention of reading books, but I never seem to get around to it.


Rick Moranis, John Lovitz, Jack Black, and basically any other dweeb who beat the odds and somehow made it in hollywood.

My Blog

Snakes on a Plane.

Dude, finally a new blog. Not a rant or a rave or a queertastic survey. Just good old fashioned fun. Christopher walken, Jack Nicholson, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro - for those of you who need the help....
Posted by Ryan Dudeson on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:29:00 PST

blog blog

yo this is a blog. blog. blog. blog.  sweet....
Posted by Ryan Dudeson on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST