I'm in I'm out, I'm north I'm south, I'm here I'm there, I'm male and female, I'm left I'm right, I'm thru I'm fake, I see I'm blind, I'm earth I'm sky, I'm black I'm white, I'm soft I'm hard, I smile I cry, I sin I pray, I do I don't, I miss I hit, I stay I leave, I find I loose, I get I give,I'm tough I'm soft, I'm sand I'm rock, I'm fire I'm water,I'm cold I'm hot, I'm mother I'm doughter, I'm son I'm father, I'm the worst I'm the better, I'm me I'm you, I'm one I'm two, I'm big I'm small, I'm tall I'm short, I'm heavy I'm light, I'm day I' night, I'm dark I'm light, I'm fast I'm slow, I'm litres I'm drop, I'm early I'm late, I'm new I'm old, I'm this I'm that, I'm empty I'm full, I'm many I'm few, I'm rainy I'm sunny, I'm serious I'm funny, I'm dry I'm wet, I'm single I'm a set, I'm beer I'm wine, I'm because I'm why, I'm positive I'm negative, I stick I slide, I move I stand by, I sell i buy, I stand I lay, I'm sound I'm silence, I'm relax I'm stress, I' loose I'm tense, I'm down I'm up, I try I give up,I'm everything I'm nothing, I'm not I AM!
The Illuminated Chakras
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