SpiritoGroove profile picture


About Me

I'm in I'm out, I'm north I'm south, I'm here I'm there, I'm male and female, I'm left I'm right, I'm thru I'm fake, I see I'm blind, I'm earth I'm sky, I'm black I'm white, I'm soft I'm hard, I smile I cry, I sin I pray, I do I don't, I miss I hit, I stay I leave, I find I loose, I get I give,I'm tough I'm soft, I'm sand I'm rock, I'm fire I'm water,I'm cold I'm hot, I'm mother I'm doughter, I'm son I'm father, I'm the worst I'm the better, I'm me I'm you, I'm one I'm two, I'm big I'm small, I'm tall I'm short, I'm heavy I'm light, I'm day I' night, I'm dark I'm light, I'm fast I'm slow, I'm litres I'm drop, I'm early I'm late, I'm new I'm old, I'm this I'm that, I'm empty I'm full, I'm many I'm few, I'm rainy I'm sunny, I'm serious I'm funny, I'm dry I'm wet, I'm single I'm a set, I'm beer I'm wine, I'm because I'm why, I'm positive I'm negative, I stick I slide, I move I stand by, I sell i buy, I stand I lay, I'm sound I'm silence, I'm relax I'm stress, I' loose I'm tense, I'm down I'm up, I try I give up,I'm everything I'm nothing, I'm not I AM!

The Illuminated Chakras

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Member Since: 16/09/2006
Band Website: www.pizzaparty.com.au
Band Members:

Sibodi, Filo, Luci


The Music is One

We can divide it in different styles, but we can't separate it..It is expression that reflects the emotions and the visions of the artist in the way he/she/they/us externalize it in the way the World is pecived in the inner body.

Sounds Like:

a Change

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Type of Label: Major

My Blog

ohm temple

Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 16:35:00 GMT


The last of the Cathars was burnt by the Inquisition of the RomanCatholic Church at Montsegur, Languedoc, France in 1244, but they left this prophecy: that the Churchof Love would be proclaim...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:22:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:37:00 GMT


They give you a blank space to fill up...with you!Life is the blank space, since you were born you got the choice to fill it. Some people seem to have bigger space, more comfortable space, more freedo...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 07:42:00 GMT