Trooper SGT Spanky profile picture

Trooper SGT Spanky

I am here for Friends

About Me

~Officer Spanky~

Hmmm about me. Well I'm fine and dandy and apparently sweet as candy.... Ok. I seem to have a slight law enforcement fetish which stems back to my early childhood when I wanted to be a cop.... I now would like to be a trooper. I'm quite the strange woman really. I hate being awake during the day. I thoroughly enjoy waking up at 2:30pm being at work at three, getting home at midnightish and staying awake watching tv or movies until the weeee hours of morning. Nothing is more relaxing than being awake when most people are asleep... So peaceful LOL. On my days off I sleep until 5ish. Then I wake up and do....nothing. I love my Versace too, anyone tries to get their sticky fingers on any of my Versace sh** I'll bust a cap in their ass. I don't like assholes and I am quick to put them in their place. I don't like hefers that think it's cute to hang all over every guy they ever see me with, or decide that maybe they should raise their standards, hmmm Sharon has high standards I'll try to bag the next guy she dates. This is not a good idea. Get your own standards and leave my shithead alone. That message is aimed specifically at one person....Two including the shithead it pertains to. I hate racist people. I also hate my job....Not that it's much of a job and that's the problem. I like Pepsi. I like Chardonnay. I love baseball. hmmmm yeah that's all. Go A's!!!
1. What song do you want to listen to right now? I don't know... Anything really. I love music.
2. What are you hearing right now? Law And Order
3. Favorite thing to watch? Any cops show.... Reality tv's better, but I still like CSI, and obviously Law And Order
4. Favorite movie? Rush Hour 2 or Fever Pitch
5. Last celebrity you talked about/mentioned? Jerry Seinfeld, my dad was expressing his excessive hatred for him while I was saying....uh yeah I like his show. LOL
6. Who do you admire most? Alice Stebbins Wells
7. Are you related to them? No, it's very unfortunate. It'd kick ass if we were related.
8. Last place you went out? Last place I left the house for was my sisters, the last place I went out was Riverside. It was laaaaame.
9. Last song you heard? Now You're Gone by Basshunter
10. Last time you saw your best friend? Which one? There's a few.
11. Do you own any embarrasing CDs? Why would I be embarrased about my cds?
12. Do you listen to bands no one else has ever heard of? Yes, I tend to like the music that's big in the UK rather than what's big here.
13. Planet you wished you lived on? Earth...You know. Where I can breath without wearing one of those big gaudy suits?
14. Have you seen your favorite band live? No, but that'd kick ass.... I wonder if they'll be around SF in September
15. What shirt are you wearing? My Oakland A's one.... Yeah I'm getting all hyped up. 16 days babay!!!!!
16. Favorite radio station? 92.9 though I tend not to listen to radio I make mixed cds
17. Do you hate your school? I did
18. First thing you said this morning? Lou go back to sleep
19. How many things are on your wall? I lost count a long time ago
20. Lyric stuck in your head? Are you Happy? Mudvayne
21. Most impactful song to you? Better Than Me by Hinder
22. For or against abortion? Strongly against
23. For or against gay marriage? Against
24. Has anyone ever called you racist? No, I'm the most anti racist person I know
25. Favorite eye color? Blue or light brown
26. Favorite hair color? Black or Light brown
27. Last video game you played? I don't know. Probably that new racing game I bought, but it was so terrible I don't even remember the name. I should order uniracers
28. Longest video game you played? Lamborghini Challenge I swore that thing was endless until I finally beat it
29. Favorite color? Chrome or pastel pink
30. If you made an autobiography, what would you call it? That's a good question I don't know
31. Do you want a different eye color than your own? No, I wouldn't mind blue contacts for awhile though
32. Favorite male celebrity? oooh either Robert Sean Leonard or Josh Lucas
33. Favorite female celebrity? Renee Zelwegger
34. How old is your pet? Well the bird is 6 or 7 years old, the cat is probably close to 20, and my dog will be a year old in June
35. Cats or dogs? Dogs
36. Can you skateboard? Yes
37. Who has brilliant eyes? That security guard I don't know his name. Old guy, but he has awesomely wicked eyes
38. What's your computer password? Why the hell would I tell you that?
39. Your thoughts on Lindsey Lohan? I like her music, and who the hell cares if she's on or off the wagon. It's nobody's business but hers. Now if she had kids it's be a whole different story.
40. Ever had a friend named Noel? No
41. Is there a certain thing you'll never forget? Yes
42. Who was your first concert? Never been to one, I've only been to DMX's after party
43. Did you meet them? Uh yeah I met him. It was his after party.
44. Were they nice? He kicked ass
45. Whose birthday do you wish you shared? I don't want to share my birthday with anyone
46. What's hot? Troopers
47. What's not? Nasty old men with no teeth that still say I got two cases come with me....uh no thanks. I'd rather keep working
48. Last thing you watched on youtube? I don't know. I watch the funy videos when I have the patience for them to load. I'm on dial up. Oh it was something about a free game card.... I didn't see the smusement I thought it was lame.
49. Favorite number? 22
50. MySpace or Facebook? Myspace I got a facebook account, but the sites lame compared to myspace
51. When's school out? I don't know, I don't go I work. I'll be off work September 19th-I don't know when though.... I'll have to beg for more than three days off.
52. Is it surprising how much you weigh? Somewhat, but oh well. I swear I'll get back to the gym someday instead of just driving by twice and coming back home and going to sleep
53. What band comes to your town often? None
54. What bands are coming to town soon? None
55. What genres of music do you like? I like it all. Papa Roach, Hinder, Avril, and Michelle Branch are at the top of the list though.
56. Big sunglasses: dark or white? Dark
57. Last thing you purchased? My new Versace choker....KICK ASS!!!!!
58. Best CD you own/will own? My computer. I download and mix. The last CD I bought where most of it was good was Cascada, before that Lumidee so I rarely by full cd's. Usually there's only one or two good songs on them.
59. Do you listen to artists who consist more of guys, girls, or both? Guys
60. Worst band to see live? Hmmm Les Savy Fav LOL
61. Best band to see live? I don't know.
62.Who should be our next president? Obama
63. What's your first tattoo? You'll see
64. Is your handwriting nice? Not at all.
65. Something you find cute? My dog when he's running down the hall sideways.... It's like his back feet move faster than the front. It's funny.
66. Thoughts about death? I don't like thinking about it. Me and my dad just got in a mini quarrel(Not really we politely disagreed) because he's fixated on death. The cats going to die blah blah blah. Well dad when the cat dies she dies, but I don't wanna talk about it. Too morbid.
67. Favorite place to spend money? In Anchorage, no particular place. When I go there I shop everywhere
68. What shirt do you really, really want? A Dan Haren A's Jersey. I'll find one before September.
69. Had any dreams lately? Yes it was weird. Me and my god were robbing houses of all their icecream(Me and Jaime were talking about disliking hefers that steal right before I fell sleep) Then I was at a carnival with cotton candy that was smashed flat.... I was making fun of it.... It was weird. Not my normal every night dream I swear.
70. How long do you wish your hair was? Longer than it is now.
71. Longest shower ever? 5 hours maybe... But I don't just take showers I take shaths.
72. One of the longest songs you enjoy? I Turn To You by Mel B
73. Do you like J-Rock? Who?
74. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 how cool you think you are. I'm off the scale kick ass...
75. Most overplayed song on the radio? ANything by Gwen Stefanni I can't stand her voice, or that stupid hefer that sings about her stupid ass toes.... Nobody cares about her damn toes
76. Last magazine you bought? Cosmo about a month ago Haven't read it yet
77. Would people be surprised to know your true hair color? No
78. Have you ever bought anything from eBay? Yes
79. What would you do if your hero died? She did die August 17th 1957
80. Are your neighbors annoying? Not really
81. Favorite emoticon? Don't have one
82. Last music video you watched? I don't know. Haven't seen one in awhile
83. Is 7 really a lucky number? Not for me
84. What day is 6 days from now? The day that's ten days before opening day
85. Single artists or groups/bands? Both
86. Fast food is...? Good
87. Are you a liar? Not on the last inquisition
88. Last thing you said outloud? Oh well
89. What if vampires were real? I'd layer my neck with Versace chokers
90. Do you how to use 1337? What?
91. Favorite animal? Slender Loris
92. You were born in what state? AK
93. Are you shy or outgoing? A happy medium between the two unless I've had too much to drink then I'll swagger right up to someone and say you're cute then keep on walking
94. Whose birthday is next? I don't know
95. Where's your mom?
96. Ever been to the gym? Yes
97. What song do you listen to when you're sad? I listen to everything all the time
98. How old are you in dog years? 161
99. What would be the best dream you could ever have? No dream is good, you always wake up
100. One question you want to ask a celebrity? How do you handle the nazi repoters without going crazy

Name:: Sharon
Age:: 23
Time started:: 12:22
x[Answer With 100% Honesty..*
What color is your underwear?: Black and pink
Whats on your mind right now?: My feet are cold
Do you think you are attractive?: Yes
do you watch disney channel?: I would if I had it
have you done something bad today?: Yes I wished some guy would get an incessant multitudinous case of crabs
do you bite your nails?: No
are you jealous of someone right now?: No
what is your mood right now?: Pugnacious
have you had an eating disorder?: No
do you want to see someone this very minute?: I wouldn't mind
do you have a deep dark secret?: No
do you hate someone right now?: I hate nobody
who/what do you want to hug right now?: I don't want to hug anybody
are you loyal?: When need be
are you in denial?: Maybe a bit
wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?: Not at all
who is your best friend?: All of them
have you ever consumed alcohol?: Indeedy I have
do you like someone?: Not quite sure
does anyone like you?: Yes, but he gives me the creeps
is it going anywhere with them?: No, he gives me the creeps
did you answer all these questions honestly?: YEs
Spell your name without vowels: (aeiou): shrn m
What is the date 2 days after your birthday?:: May 11
How many pairs of jeans do you own?:: 2
What color do you wear most?:: Black
What's for dinner tonite?:: None
Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?:: Yes, fucker said I look like Christina Ricci
Least favorite color?:: Green
How do you make money?:: I don't know I've never made any visits to the treasury
How's the weather?:: Cold
What chores do you have around the house:: None, I try to do the dishes, but he won't let me
Last myspace message you recieved?: I don't know
x[The 5 W's..*
who is your best friend?: All of them....ALLL OF THEM!!!
who do you like?: Some asshole
who is your mom?:
who bought you the clothes your wearing?: I did
who is at your house?: Me and my dad
who loves you?: My family
who said hey to you today?: Hey? LOL F*** if I know. Half the time I'm trying to zone out who I'm talking to
who are you talking to right now?: Jaime, texting her
what town do you live in?: A cold ass town
what are you wearing?: I'm wearing clothes baby, what are you wearin?
what do your teeth look like?: They're sadly slightly diminished in color.... Need to go the the wonderful dentist next month
what are you doing in an hour?: Hopefully watching the rest of my movie then retiring to sleep
what is your middle name?: L
what is your deepest secret?: I don't have any secrets, but I can keep everyone elses
what are you doing tomorrow?: Working
what is your boy/girlfriends middle name?: N/A
what is in this for you?: In what?
what are you sitting on?: A chair fool
where are you at right now?: Home
where were you at at 12 noon today?: Hmmmm I think at the blazy mall....or my storage space or in my car driving somewhere
where is your toothbrush at?: There's one in the car and another one in the bathroom
where do you sleep?: In my bed
where do you live?: With my father
where were you at at 7pm yesterday?: In my room sleeping cause I had a bad day
where is your boy/girl friend?: N/A
where are your parents?: He's in his room sleeping
where did you put your bookbag?: What bookbag?
when are you getting a job?: I work in far away land LOL
when did you graduate?: 02
when will you grow up?: NEVER
when are you going to call your bestfriend?: I call everyone all the time....ok maybe not... But I call them all at once
when did you get home last night?: I do't think I went anywhere last night LOL oh wait I came home from my sisters at 4:30pm
when are you going to stop taking surveys?: NEVER
when was the last time you had a fruit smoothie?: I don't know, but that sounds good
why are you taking this?: Pure boredom
why are you weird?: LOL, Would you like me to write a book, or just a monolgue?
why are you wearing what your wearing right now?: Comfort levels
why dont you have friends?: I do you fool, and they're going to kick your ass....Or pull an AOA.... one of the two.
why do you live where your at?: I'm a loser... LOL not really.... I have too many backed up bills to live on my own. They'll be paid off in June though
x[Are you spoiled..*
[ ] own car: I bought it
[ ] cell phone: I bought it
[ ] own phone line: No
[ ] bf/gf: No
[ ] own bathroom: No
[ ] own room: Yes
[ ] 2 or more story house: No
[ ] built-in pool: Good God that'd be nice
[ ] guest house: No
[ ] game room: My room
[ ] tv in your room: I bought it
[ ] Double Bed: Yes, I guess you could call it that
[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes: Yes, I bought them all
[ ] 10+ things from a designer store: I bought all those too.... Half the closet
[ ] good grades: No, I have a short attention span
[ ] iPod: No
[ ] ps2: No
[ ] ps3: No
[ ] mp3 player: No
[ ] Mercedes Benz: No
[ ] basketball hoop: Yes
[ ] pool table: No
[ ] trampoline: Yes
[ ] has a beach house/ cabin: No
[ ] only child: No
[ ] stereo system in bedroom: Yes
[ ] DVD player in bedroom: Yes
[ ] gets �50+ for allowance each month: LOL, money yes, allowance no
[ ] makeup: Yes
[ ] cologne/perfume: Yes
[ ] msn messenger: yes, but don't ever use it
[ ] 5+ trophies: No, medals, but no trophies
[ ] 1000+ buddies on messenger: buddies?
[ ] own digital camera: Yes
[ ] electric scooter: No, LOL
[ ] met a celeb: Yes
[ ] straightener/ curling iron: Yes
[ ] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now: No
[ ] 1+ BEST friends: Yes
[ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday: No
[ ] moved 3+ times: Yes
[ ] pet(s): 3
[ ] dont have a job.: I have a job
[ ] alarm clock: Yes
[ ] eat-out almost everyday: No
[ ] home-cooked meal almost everyday: No
[ ] been in a limo: Yes
[ ] own camcorder: Yes
[ ] own laptop: Yes
[ ] own desktop computer: Yes
25+ means your spoiled
x[Little More Randomness..*
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?: God no
What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?: Stick them in a cupboard
What is the best thing about your job?: There's a best thing?
Quote a song lyric?: Do you pull me up, just to push me down again? Are you f***** happy now that I'm lost left with nothing
Are most of the friends in your life new or old?: Half and half
If you could be an animal what would you be?: Slender Loris, maybe I wouldn't be so blind with those big eyeballs
Tell us about the last conversation/s you had.: I cannot
What is your favorite smell?: Not going to tell you that either, the last thing I need is some hefer running around smelling like me
What is your favorite sight?: Trooper ass
Have you ever gone to therapy?: No
Have you ever toilet-papered someone's house?: Not yet
Have you ever played Spin the bottle?: No
Have you ever liked someone but never told them?: No
Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend?: Yes I did up until April of last year, but he turned out to be quite the asshole
Have you ever gone camping?: Yes
Have you ever had sex on the beach?: No, you're sick.
Have you ever had a stalker?: Yes
have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: Yes
Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?: Yes, thus the reasoning for dropping yet another one.
Have you ever lied to your parents?: It's the smart way to do something stupid
Have you ever thrown up from working out?: Yes, back in highschool
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?: You know he did
Do you close your eyes on roller coaster?: Never been on one
Have you ever been searched by the cops?: LOL, no I frisk them
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: Alone
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?: No
Have you ever been punched in the face?: Yes
Last Person you called:: A potential new employer
last person to call you:: JoJo
last time you spoke to your best friend:: Which one?
what your last recieved text say? from who?: Something about a bunch of little girls and a bitch
what does your last sent txt say? to who?: Men are all bitches
your last hug from:: I don't know
last thing you ate:: An eggroll
last thing you drank:: A pepsi
last person you IMed:: I don't IM
last person you argued with:: My father
last time you was in school:: Apparently more recently then you.
last time you jumped on a picture:: I don't believe I ever have
the last time that you went somewhere and you enjoyed it:: LOL my sisters I s'pose. I would have had a better time, if I had just brought my keg in there and chilled in a nice quiet place watching baseball with my keg of coors.
last place you went:: Work
last games console you played on:: The computer
the game you played on it:: Police chase
last film you watched:: Film? Why are people using the word film again? and I don't know
last tv show you watched:: I don't know
last song you heard:: I'm listening to Happy by Mudvayne, oh better make that Happy by Hilary Duff.... It's a good song. Up yours!
have you enjoyed this survey:: thoroughly
what time is it:: 12:58
- ..

My Interests

Family, Baseball, Versace. I think in that order.

.. ..

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone worth meeting. However, with every person I meet, my standards for someone being worth meeting have been becoming more and more exorbitant. I'd like to meet someone who will stand up for me instead of being a dick just to fit in with their dumb ass friends...ooooh I'd love to meet Robert Sean Leonard mmmm mm mm. Or Tom Brady, Ichiro Suzuki, Dan Haren, Manny Ramirez, A-Rod, or Terrell Owens. Oh and Paris Hilton LOL


I listen to everything from classic to Hard rock it really just depends on the mood. You could always tell what mood I'm in by what's in my car.


Fever Pitch, and Rush Hour 2 ..


Cops, Hot Pursuit, Disorderly Conduct, Speeders, Baseball tonight, ESPN anything, Jail, The Academy, Alf, Married With Children, Are You Being Served, I'll watch whatever channel has the better game.


I read Cosmo :-D Maybe I should read a book. I have the time. I do I do I do. Who knows it may be a good experience. LOL


Alice stebbins wells, Patsy Mink, My dad, Paris Hilton. Odd mix, but whatever. That's me. I'm my own hero too damn it.. I'm not so bad... I'm not, I'm really not.

My Blog

I am unwell my friends....somebody get me some egg flower soup.

So I've slept 19 of the last 24 hours I do believe.  I think I've had a single hang over that felt worst than I feel now...  Just one.  Last summer or fall not quite sure which.... Some...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:35:00 PST


So I only have a single blog view this week.... perhaps it's because I have not posted anything since last Friday.  Just a guess.  My, how anti-social I've become.  Been spending most o...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 02:24:00 PST

I got Lou back, and paid my bills....again

So I got Lou back this morning at tenish...  A little after ten.  And so far, well he really hasn't been doing much....  Nor would I if I was dragging a leg everywhere I went....  ...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:27:00 PST

I’m Alive!!!!

Yeah so, that hangover almost killed me.  I'm really not trying to make a habit out of getting goofy inebriated and waking up with hangovers once a week, but you know.....Sometimes that's just ho...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST

That son of a bitch made me cry

So I wake up with salt crystals all around my eyes, I have no idea what I dreamed about, but someone must pay for these tears I have cried I say.  However I did what Jaime said.  Got the stu...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 01:25:00 PST

What do you want from me? What do you f***** want from me?

So let me translate that inquisition.  That is a male’s way of saying.....So, baby are we going to have relations or what?  Now let me think about that for a second....maybe 1/10 of a ...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:50:00 PST

So I was faced with one of lifes tough decisions today

Actually it wasn’t that tough of a decision and I wasn’t thinking when I made this choice.  So I wanted my Versace sweater, but at the same know my Versace sunglasses are ...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

Yes, Yes, oh dear God yes.

Was that an attention getter or what?  LOL I really don’t know.  I’m honestly just blabbing again, as I can never decide who to be bothersom to, by e-mailing them of my daily lif...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:48:00 PST

So I missed the first f***** game

I’d like to blame it on being confused due to the post midnight starting time.... You know forgetting that after midnight is a different day, but I blame it on my countdown timer on my page........
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:52:00 PST


Who’s f***** excited with me huh?  Come on y’all.  52 minutes.... 3,120 seconds.  I’m excited I have cashew chicken in the oven, half a gallon of Pepsi in the fridge a...
Posted by Trooper SGT Spanky on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST